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Updated: Feb 11, 2023



To "speak" is to legislate

To "cause" is to enforce by law

This website has identified the following prophetic symbols:

  • The feet of Iron & Clay of Daniel 2 is Papal Rome - a union of church & state

  • The Little Horn of Daniel chapter 7 is Papal Rome

  • The Little Horn of Daniel chapter 8 is Rome in its Pagan and Papal phases

  • The King of the North of Daniel chapter 11:31-45 is Papal Rome

  • The first Beast of Revelation chapter 13:1-10 is Papal Rome

  • The 2nd Beast of Rev 13:11-17 is Protestant USA - a union of church & state

  • The USA will form an image of the first beast (Rome) - a Church / State union

  • The USA will legislate THE MARK of the Beast - enforced Sunday Blue Laws.

  • The USA will pass a death decree on those who refuse THE BEAST'S MARK

  • The woman on the beast with 7 heads & 10 horns of Rev 17 is Papal Rome


Daniel 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. cf Daniel 11 study verses 30-35

From the transition of Pagan Rome to Papal Rome in Daniel 11:30/31 , we see the persecution of God's people by Papal Rome in verses 32 to 35 even to the "time of the end" in 1798 when the persecutions ceased as Rome receives its deadly wound from The French.

Daniel chapter 7 and Revelation chapter 13 speak of the same power which persecuted and killed and will kill Christians again.

  • Blasphemy is when one claims to be God - John 10:33

  • Blasphemy is when one claims to be able to forgive sins - Mark 2:7

  • Papal Rome align with both these characteristics

  • 42 months is symbolic of 1260 years in Bible prophecy

  • Papal Rome persecuted God's people for 1260 years

The historical record is there for all, hence the apologies by Papal Rome for its past atrocities.


[In 2000, Pope John Paul II began a new a new era in the church’s relationship to its history when he donned mourning garments to apologize for millennia of grievous violence and persecution — from the Inquisition to a wide range of sins against Jews, nonbelievers, and the indigenous people of colonized lands — and sought pardon “for the divisions among Christians, for the use of violence that some have committed in the service of truth, and for attitudes of mistrust and hostility assumed towards followers of other religions.”

“Never again,” he said.]


But the apologies continue even as the atrocities continue.


"Pope Francis apologized on April 1, 2022, to First Nations, Inuit and Métis delegations, acknowledging the harm done by residential schools in Canada and marking a crucial step in the church admitting its role in the abuse of Indigenous communities and children. Yet this apology, as important as it is, raises questions about what it means when a pope apologizes.

As a Catholic theologian who studies church authority, I’ve observed how previous papal apologies can speak for the entire church and either deny or claim responsibility." Annie Selak Associate Director, Women's Center, Georgetown University


BBC News

Pope Francis has asked for "God's forgiveness" for the "sins and failings" of the Roman Catholic Church at the time of the Rwandan genocide.

Dozens of Catholic priests are believed to have been complicit in the killings of some 800,000 people by Hutu extremists in 1994.

Several massacres were carried out in churches where people sought sanctuary.

The Vatican has, until now, maintained that the Church as an institution bore no responsibility.

On Monday, Pope Francis conveyed his "profound sadness" for the "genocide against the Tutsi," the Vatican said in a statement.

He begged for God's forgiveness "for the sins and failings of the Church and its members" who, the statement said, had "succumbed to hatred and violence".



The prophecies of Daniel and Revelation predict a resurgence of Papal Rome's power and a return to its persecuting, murderous ways (Rev 13:3). It is in the DNA of the system after all the Dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority (Rev 13:2). And we know the Dragon is "that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan which deceiveth the whole world" (Rev 12:9)

Jesus said to the people of Israel, "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it". John 8:44

Papal Rome was given its seat, power and great authority by the great dragon of Rev 12:9 - see (Rev 13:2)

  • The Devil is a murderer.

  • He is a liar and the father of lies.

  • He abode not in the truth.

  • There is no truth in him.

Pagan Rome killed Christians feeding them to the lions.

Papal Rome tortured and killed Christians during the inquisition leaving them to starve to death in dungeons and burning them at the stake, including women accused of being witches.



Papal Rome did not care for its own Roman Catholic people during the crusade against the Albigenses (Cathars). The crusade's military commander was a priest, "Abbot Arnaud Amalric (Latin: Arnoldus Amalricus; died 1225) was a Cistercian abbot who played a prominent role in the Albigensian Crusade. It was reported that, prior to the massacre of Béziers, Amalric, when asked how to distinguish Cathars from Catholics, responded, "Kill them [all], for God knows which are His own." - Wikipedia

Amalric's own version of the siege, described in his letter to Pope Innocent III in August 1209, states:

While discussions were still going on with the barons about the release of those in the city who were deemed to be Catholics, the servants and other persons of low rank and unarmed attacked the city without waiting for orders from their leaders. To our amazement, crying "to arms, to arms!", within the space of two or three hours they crossed the ditches and the walls and Béziers was taken. Our men spared no one, irrespective of rank, sex or age, and put to the sword almost 20,000 people. After this great slaughter the whole city was despoiled and burnt ...

About thirteen years later Caesarius of Heisterbach relates this story about the massacre, with the papal legate quoted using the words Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius:

When they discovered, from the admissions of some of them, that there were Catholics mingled with the heretics they said to the abbot "Sir, what shall we do, for we cannot distinguish between the faithful and the heretics." The abbot, like the others, was afraid that many, in fear of death, would pretend to be Catholics, and after their departure, would return to their heresy, and is said to have replied "Kill them all for the Lord knoweth them that are His" (2 Tim. ii. 19) and so countless number in that town were slain.

The Albigensian Crusade was intended to eliminate Catharism, a religious movement denounced by the Catholic Church as heretical. Béziers was not a Cathar stronghold but, according to contemporary Catholic records, home to almost 20,000 baptised Catholics and just over 300 baptised Cathars. Presented with the difficulty of distinguishing Catholics from the Cathars, especially if individuals might misrepresent their own beliefs, the phrase indicated that God would judge those who were killed, and accordingly "sort" them into Heaven or Hell. Wikipedia

The Catholics killed almost 20,000 people in the city of Beziers which had a population of 23,000 including 20,000 catholics - so much for taking care of one's own people. The Catholic people are merely pawns in the hands of wicked men sitting in Rome.



The Times of Israel.

"In a new report after decades of ambivalence, Germany’s council of Catholic bishops has finally admitted to the church’s complicity in the actions of the Nazi regime during World War II, The Times reported Friday.

The 23-page document by the council reportedly states, “Inasmuch as the bishops did not oppose the war with a clear ‘no,’ and most of them bolstered the [German nation’s] will to endure, they made themselves complicit in the war.”

"One Catholic Church official cited by The Times called the report a “confession of guilt” by the church."

Picture above shows Catholic clergy and Nazi officials, including Joseph Goebbels (far right) and Wilhelm Frick (second from right), give the Nazi salute. Germany, date uncertain.

Priests giving a Hitler salute at a Catholic youth rally 1933 Berlin-Neukolln Stadium

Smart News. Smithsonian Magazine

"A crucial moment in Pius’ relationship with the Nazis arrived in 1933, when the then-cardinal spearheaded an agreement between the German Holy See and the Third Reich. As Robert A. Krieg wrote in Jesuit publication America magazine in 2003, this so-called “concordat” was “ambiguous in its day,” with Adolf Hitler treating it as a sign of international approval of the Nazi regime and the Vatican simply stating that it was made to protect the church’s interests.


Adopting a stance of official neutrality, the Vatican refused to yield to Allied pressure to speak out against the Nazis. And, since “[e]veryone wanted to claim the Pope was on their side, ... political leaders weren’t going to publicly chastise [him] or accuse him of cozying up to fascists or Nazis,” David I. Kertzer, author of The Pope and Mussolini: The Secret History of Pius XI and the Rise of Fascism in Europe, told Time’s Olivia B. Waxman in 2019.

"On September 18, 1942, Pius’ assistant, the future Pope Paul VI, received an eyewitness report of “incredible butchery” of Jews in Warsaw. One month prior, Ukrainian Archbishop Andrzej Szeptycki had delivered a similar report informing the pope of atrocities carried out in the Lviv Ghetto, reports Haaretz’s Ofer Aderet.

Soon after, the United States’ envoy to the Vatican asked if it could corroborate accounts of mass killings in Warsaw and Lviv. In response, Vatican Secretary of State Luigi Maglione reportedly stated, “I don’t believe we have information that confirms this serious news in detail.”

While sifting through the papers, the researchers also found a memo from a Vatican staffer that warned against believing the reports, dismissing these accounts on the grounds that Jews “easily exaggerate” and “Orientals”—a reference to Archbishop Sheptytsky—“are really not an example of honesty.”

"The memo was conspicuously absent from the 11-volume collection published by the Vatican in defense of Pius’ reputation, reports Religion News Service."

“This is a key document that has been kept hidden from us because it is clearly anti-Semitic and shows why Pius XII did not speak out against the Holocaust,” Wolf tells Catholic weekly Kirche + Leben, as quoted by Religion News Service.



[NPR's Sylvia Poggioli points out that "The Vatican's attempts to beatify him [Pope Pius XII] are stymied by still-vivid memories in Rome of his behavior toward the city's Jews during the Nazi occupation.

A plaque on the wall outside a military college in Rome recalls the roundup of 1,259 Jews. It reads: "On 16 October 1943 entire Jewish Roman families ripped from their homes by the Nazis were brought here and then deported to extermination camps. Of more than 1,000 persons, only 16 survived." The location is just 800 yards from St. Peter's Square — "under the pope's very windows," as Ernst von Weizsacker, then serving as Germany's ambassador to the Vatican, reported back to Hitler."

"Brown University's David Kertzer has written extensively about popes and Jews. He won the 2015 Pulitzer Prize for his book The Pope and Mussolini: The Secret History of Pius XI and the Rise of Fascism in Europe, about Pius XII's predecessor, and has reserved a desk in the Vatican archives for the next four months.

Kertzer says a lot is known about what Pius XII did. Much less is known about internal deliberations during the war years in the Vatican.

"We know [Pius XII] didn't take any public action," he says. "He didn't protest to Hitler. But who within the Vatican might have been urging him to do so? Who might have been advising him caution? That's the kind of thing I think we'll find out, or hope to find out about."]

Newspaper headline from October 1943 (Courtesy of PerlePress Productions) "The Times of Israel" 21 January 2020, 1:56 am


Pope Pius XII's World War II material in the Vatican archives has recently been made accessible to scholars by Pope Francis.

" Seven German researchers from the University of Münster who did gain access to the vast archives had already found material supporting critics of the pope’s wartime behavior. Documents indicated the pope had information early in the war about the murder of Jews. “But he kept this from the U.S. government after an aide argued that Jews and Ukrainians — his main sources — could not be trusted because they lied and exaggerated,” the researchers said. They also said the Vatican hid sensitive documents presumably to protect Pius’s image." The Vatican & the Holocaust: Pope Pius XII & the Holocaust by Mitchell Bard


Why didn't Pope Pius XII speak up during WW II when he knew of the massacre of Jews by the Nazis?

But who within the Vatican might have been urging him to do so? Who might have been advising him caution?



Much of what is quoted is from "The SECRET HISTORY of the JESUITS" by Edmond Paris and "GENOCIDE IN SATELLITE CROATIA. 1941-1945"

SHOTJ: Secret History of the Jesuits

GISC: Genocide in Satellite Croatia

Let us fast forward to the end of the war and what the Spanish Dictator, Franco's, press had to say, according to Reforme on the day of Hitler's death and published May 3, 1945:

"Adolf Hitler, son of the Catholic Church, died while defending Christianity. It is therefore understandable that words cannot be found to lament over his death, when so many were found to exalt his life. Over his mortal remains stands his victorious moral figure. With the palm of the martyr, God gives Hitler the laurels of Victory." Reforme, 21st of July 1945.

"This funeral oration of the nazi chief, a challenge to the victorious allies, is voiced by the Holy See itself, under the cover of Franco's press. It is a communique of the Vatican given via Madrid. Of course, this missing hero well deserved the gratitude of the Roman Church and they do not attempt to conceal it. He served her faithfully: all those this Church pointed out to him as her adversaries felt the consequences. And this good 'son' wasn't slow in admitting what he owed to his Most Holy Mother, and especially to those who made themselves her soldiers in the world." The Secret History of the Jesuits p. 232

when he said:

"I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits", said Hitler... "Until now, there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical organisation of the Catholic Church. I transferred much of this organisation into my own party... I am going to let you in on a secret... I am founding an Order... In my "Burgs" of the Order, we will raise up a youth which will make the world tremble... Hitler then stopped, saying that he couldn't say any more.." (ibid) Hermann Rauschning, former national-socialist chief of the government of Dantzig: "Hitler m'a dit", (Ed. Co-operation, Paris 1939, pp.266, 267, 273 ss


Walter Schellenberg, former chief of the German counter-espionage, after the war reinforced what Hitler said:

"The S.S. organisation had been constituted, by Himmler, according to the principles of the Jesuits' Order. Their regulations and the Spiritual Exercises prescribed by Ignatius of Loyola were the model Himmler tried to copy exactly... The "Reichsfuhrer SS"—Himmler's title as supreme chief of the SS—was to be the equivalent of the Jesuits' "General" and the whole structure of the direction was a close imitation of the Catholic Church's hierarchical order. A mediaeval castle, near Paderborn in Westphalia, and called "Webelsbourg", was restored; it became what could be called a SS monastery". Walter Schellenberg: "Le Chef du contre-espionnage nazi vous parle" (Julliard, Paris 1957, pp.23-24).


* Mein Kampf was written by the Jesuit Father Staempfle and signed by Hitler.

“I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator.” Mein Kampf p. 46

“I am convinced that I am acting as the agent of our Almighty Creator. By fighting the Jews, I am doing the Lord’s work.” Mein Kampf p. 65

I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so.” – Adolf Hitler, John Toland “Adolf Hitler” p.507


Michaele Schmaus, Jesuit theologian, presented to the public a series of studies on this subject:

"Empire and Church" is a series of writings which should help the building up of the Third Reich as it unites a national-socialist state to Catholic-christianity... The national-socialist movement is the most vigorous and massive protest against the spirit of the 19th and 20th centuries... A compromise between the Catholic faith and liberal thinking is impossible... Nothing is more contrary to Catholicism than democracy... The re- awakened meaning of "strict authority" opens up again the way to the real interpretation of ecclesiastical authority... The mistrust of liberty is founded on the Catholic doctrine of original sin... The national-socialist Commandments and those of the Catholic Church have the same aim..." "Begegnungen zwichen Katholischen Christentum und nazional-sozialitischer Weltanchaunung", by Michaele Schmaus, professor at the Faculty of Theology of Munich. (Aschendorf, Munster 1933).

"Nothing is more contrary to Catholicism than democracy..."


"This aim was the "new middle-ages" Hitler promised Europe. The similarity is obvious between the passionate anti-liberalism of this Jesuit from Munich and the equal fanaticism expressed during the "act of consecration of the F.N.C. in the basilica of Montmartre". During the occupation, the R.P. Merklen wrote: "These days, liberty no longer seems to merit any esteem". (l 11) Quotations such as these could be multiplied by the thousand. Is not this hatred of liberty under all its forms the character itself of the Roman Master? It is easy also to understand how the Catholic "doctrine" and the nazi "doctrine" could harmonise so well. The one who ably demonstrated this accord, "The Jesuit Michaele Schmaus", was called by 'La Croix', ten years after the war, the "great theologian of Munich"( 112), and nobody will be surprised to learn that he was made a "Prince of the Church" by Pius XII."

(111) "La Croix", 2nd of September 1951. (112) "La Croix", 2nd of September 1954.

"These days, liberty no longer seems to merit any esteem".

Adolf Hitler greets Reich Bishop Ludwig Mueller at a Nazi Party Congress. Roman Catholic Abbot Alban Schachleiter stands between Hitler and Mueller. Nuremberg, Germany, September 1934.


"The Third Reich is the first world power which not only acknowledges but also puts into practice the high principles of the papacy".

Robert d'Harcourt of the French Academy: "Franz von Papen, l'homme a tout faire" L'Aube, 3rd of October 1946

Putting into practise those "high principles of the Papacy" resulted in "25 million victims of the concentration camps—the official figure issued by the United Nations Organisation." SHOTHJ p.165

"...for those who cannot admit that the organised massacres were one of the papacy's "high principles" and maintain "Such barbarian deeds belong to the past", then consider the ["Great Apologetics" by the Abbe Jean Vieujan, which can hardly be described as mediaeval as it is dated "1937"]

In 1937 this is what it says:


"To accept the principle of the Inquisition, one only needs a Christian mentality, and this is what many Christians lack... The Church has no such timidity".

*Abbe Jean Vieujan: "Grande Apologetique" (Bloud et Gay, Paris 1937, p.1316) SHOTHJ p.166

*Abbe means priest in French

Furthermore, the following sentiments by Papal Rome are just mind boggling in this modern age. This is not the Dark Ages but the 20th century. Note the dates.


"By virtue of her indirect power over temporal matters, should not the Church have the right to expect Catholic States to oppress heretics even to the point of death, so as to suppress them? Here is my answer: "I do advocate this, even to the point of death!... Leaning first of all on the practice, then on the teaching of the Church itself; and I am convinced that no Catholic would say the opposite without erring gravely" R.P. Janvier, a famous conference speaker at Notre-Dame. Conference of the 25th of March 1912. SHOTHJ p.166


"The Church can condemn heretics to death, for any rights they have are only through our tolerance, and these rights are apparent not real". The German Jesuits' general Franz Wernz (1906-1915)


"If someone professes publicly to be an heretic or tries to pervert others, by his speech or example, he can not only be excommunicated, but also justly killed..."

Cardinal Lepicier, "De stabilitate et progressu dogmatis", first part, art VI 9 I ("Typographia editrix romana, Romae 1908").(118a) See Sol Ferrer-Francisco Ferrer. Un Martyr au XXe siecle (Fischbacher, Paris). (119)) Frederic Hoffet: "L'lmperialisme protestant" (Flammarion, Paris 1948, pp.172 ss). (120) Adolf Hitler: "Libres propos" (Flammarion, Paris 1952, p.164).


"Anathema on the one who says: the Holy Spirit does not want us to kill the heretic".

Jesuit Pope Leo XIII - Held the Papacy from 1878 to 1903

"...the papacy's "high principles" remain unchanged and, amongst other things, the extermination for the Faith is as valid and canonical today as it was in the past. A conclusion most "enlightening"—to use a word dear to mystics—when we consider what happened in Europe between 1939 and 1945." SHOTHJ p.167

"Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler and most members of the party's "old guard" were Catholics" M. Frederic Hoffet.

""It was not by accident that, because of its chiefs' religion, the National-socialist government was the most Catholic Germany ever had... This kinship between National-socialism and Catholicism is most striking if we study closely the propaganda methods and the interior organisation of the party. On that subject, nothing is more instructive than Joseph Goebbel's works. He had been brought up in a Jesuit college and was a seminarist before devoting himself to literature and politics... Every page, every line of his writingsrecall the teaching of his masters; so he stresses obedience... the contempt for truth... "Some lies are as useful as bread!" he proclaimed by virtue of a moral relativism extracted from Ignatius of Loyola's writings..."(119) Hitler did not award the palm of Jesuitism to his chief of propaganda, though to the Gestapo's chief, as he told his favourites:


"I can see Himmler as our Ignatius of Loyola"

Adolf Hitler: "Libres propos" (Flammarion, Paris 1952, p.164). SHOTHJ p.167

Ignatius Loyola started the Jesuits (Society of Jesus)

Ignatius Loyola started the Society of Jesus or the Jesuits as they are commonly known. They are a religious order of the Roman Catholic Church


The Jesuits, who were in control of Hitler's Roman Reich installed dictatorships throughout Europe which included:



Joseph Tiso was a Catholic priest (Jesuit) and at the same time President of Slovakia under German sponsorship during World War II.

"We know that, according to canon law, no priest can accept a public post or a political mandate without the Holy See's consent. This is confirmed and explained by the R.P. Jesuit de Soras: "How could it be otherwise? We have said so already: a priest, by virtue of the 'character' his ordination marked him with, by virtue of the official functions he exercises within the Church itself, by virtue of the cassock he wears, is bound to act as a Catholic, at least when a public action is concerned. Where the priest is, there is the Church". It was then with the Vatican's consent that members of the clergy sat in the Czechoslovak Parliament. SHOTHJ p. 142

The Fuhrer later conferred on Jozef Tiso the higher Hitlerian distinctions, the Grand Cross and Black Eagle decoration.

Hence the Papacy gave its full support for its priests to be involved in Government and must therefore be held responsible for the atrocities committed by them while in government.

The following are some things Priest Tiso uttered:

"Catholicism and Nazism have much in common; they work hand in hand at reforming the world" Henriette Feuillet: "France Nouvelle", 25th of June 1949.

"Anything done against the Jews, we do it because of our love for this nation of ours. The love for our fellow-men and the love for our country have developed into a fruitful fight against the enemies of nazism". Henriette Feuillet: "France Nouvelle", 25th of June 1949.

Jozef Tiso with Adolf Hitler.

Jozef Tiso (1887-1947) a Slovak Roman Catholic Jesuit priest, and a leading politician of the Slovak People's Party, meeting with Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) leader of the Nazi Party, Chancellor of Germany, and Fuhrer of Nazi Germany.

"The declaration of Monseigneur Tiso, chief of the Slovakian state, stating his intention to build up Slovakia according to a Christian plan, has the full approval of the Holy See". Radio Vatican announcement, June 1940. Henriette Feuillet: "France Nouvelle", 25th of June 1949.

"Let us see now what kind of apostolic gentleness was used by the gauleiter prelate Tiso towards the Jews:

"In 1941, the first contingent of Jews from Slovakia and upper-Silesia arrive at Auschwitz; from the start, those who were not able to work are sent to the gas chamber, in a room of the building containing the crematory furnaces". Lord Russell of Liverpool: "Sous le signe de la croix gammes", (L'Ami du livre, Geneva 1955, p.217). Cited in SHOTJ p. 143

"Anything done against the Jews, we do it because of our love for this nation of ours. The love for our fellow-men and the love for our country have developed into a fruitful fight against the enemies of nazism". Henriette Feuillet: "France Nouvelle", 25th of June 1949. SHOTJ p. 144


The Anschlus (German for 'joining' or 'connection') was the annexation of the Federal State of Austria into the German Reich on 13 March 1938.

"Let us see how the Anschluss was prepared: First of all, and by a "providential" synchronism, when Mussolini seized power in Italy thanks to don Sturzo, Jesuit and chief of the Catholic party, Monseigneur Seipel, a Jesuit, became chancellor of Austria. He held that position until 1929, with an interregnum of two years, and, during those decisive years, he led the Austrian interior politics on to the reactionary and clerical road; his successors followed him on that road which led to the absorption of that country into the German block. The bloody repression of working-class uprisings earned him the nickname "Keine Milde Kardinal": the Cardinal Without Mercy." SHOTJ p. 139 Monseigneur Seipel, a Jesuit

Monseigneur Seipel, a Jesuit, became chancellor of Austria. He held that position until 1929,...

Arthur Seyss-Inquart, (July 22, 1892 — Oct. 16, 1946), an Austrian Nazi leader became chancellor of Austria during the Anschluss (annexation of Austria by Germany in 1938). He replaced Kurt von Schuschnigg as chancellor on March 11, 1938, the eve of Anschluss. What many do not know is that

"In the early days of May (1936), von Papen entered into secret negotiations with Dr Schussnigg (Austrian Chancellor) working on his weak point and showed him how advantagous a reconciliation with Hitler would be as far as the Vatican's interests were concerned; the argument may seem odd, but Schussnigg was very devout, and von Papen the pope's chamberlain". G.E.R. Gedye: "Suicide de l'Autriche" (Union latine d'editions, Paris 1940, p. 188).

Not surprisingly, it was the secret chamberlain who led the whole affair which ended, on the 11th of March 1938, with the resignation of the pious Schussnigg (pupil of the Jesuits), in favour of Seyss-Inquart, chief of the Austrian Nazis. The following day, the German troops entered Austria and the puppet government of Seyss-Inquart proclaimed the union of the country to the Reich. This event was welcomed by an enthusiastic declaration of Vienna's archbishop: Cardinal Innitzer (Jesuit). "On the 15th of March, the German press published the following declaration from Cardinal Innitzer:

"The priests and the faithful must unhesitatingly uphold the great German state, and the Fuhrer whose struggle to set up Germany's power, honour and prosperity is in accord with the wishes of Providence.....Cardinal Innitzer.. had, with his own hand, written the following words before his signature: "Und Heil Hitler!" SHOTJ p. 140

Cardinal Innitzer, highest representative of the Roman Church in Austria, also wrote in his declaration: "I invite the chiefs of Youth organisations to prepare their union to the organisation of the German Reich". Ernest Pezet, former vice-president of the Commission for Foreign Affairs, "L'Autriche et la paix" (Ed. Self, Paris 1945, p. 149). SHOTJ p. 140





ANTE PAVELIC (Pavelitch) representing the STATE


"For, if the foundations of the Slovakian "City of God" were hatred and persecution, according to the steadfast tradition of the Church, what can be said of the eminently Catholic state of Croatia, offspring of the collaboration between the killer Pavelitch and Monseigneur Stepinac, and with the assistance of the pontifical legate Marcone!" SHOTJ p. 144


"This book was written in order to record the time and place of the frightful ravages caused by such an extreme ideology, during the years 1941-1945, in the satellite state of Croatia under the government of Croatian fascists, known as the Ustashi, supported by the Axis powers, as well as by the Croatian Catholic hierarchy, with the knowledge of the Vatican." Foreword by Edmond Paris

"The greatest genocide during World War II, in proportion to a nation's population, took place, not in Nazi Germany but in the Nazi-created puppet state of Croatia. There, in the years 1941-1945, some 750,000 Serbs, 60,000 Jews and 26,000 Gypsies— men, women and children—perished in a gigantic holocaust. These are the figures used by most foreign authors, especially the Germans, who were in the best position to know. Hermann Neubacher, perhaps the most important of Hitler’s trouble-shooters in the Balkans, reports that although some of the perpetrators of the crime estimated the number of Serbs killed at one million, the more accurate figure is 750,000.* One of Hitler's generals, Lothar Rendulic, who was in the area where the crimes were committed, estimates that in the first year of the existence of the puppet state of Croatia at least a half million Orthodox Serbs were massacred, and that many others were killed in subsequent years.** French writers most often use the half-million figure while British sources usually cite 700,000 Serbs killed. Genocide in Satellite Croatia, 1941-1945. Introduction p. 9 Edmond Paris

*Sonder-Auftrag Suedost 1940-1945: Bericht eines fliegenden Diplomaten (Goet¬ tingen—Berlin—Frankfurt, 1956). pp. SI-32. See note on page 15.

**Gekacmpft Gesiegt Geschlagen (Heidelberg, 1952), pp. 161-62

"Serbian Orthodox Bishop, Dr. Nikolaj Velimirovic, ...compared what happened in Croatia, on such a large scale, with the darkest days of the Middle Ages. In an article published in 1954 by the ecclesiastical review Svecanik, the Bishop wrote:

“The Spanish Inquisition is noted for its atrocities. The head inquisitor, named by the Pope, was the Dominican Monk Thomas de Torquemada, who is remembered with such sinister bitterness. During the eighteen year period of his mandate, 10,220 persons were burned at the stake while 114,401 (according to the historian Motley) perished from hunger and torture in their prisons, which meant 125,000 people within a period of eighteen years.

“This record is frightful enough, but the inquisition of the Serbian Orthodox was much more terrible, for 750,000 Serbs were killed in just four years." Genocide in Satellite Croatia, 1941-1945. Foreword p. 4. Edmond Paris

"It would be difficult to find a parallel of such ferocious persecution in all history. Even the Duke of Albe, that sinister representative of the Spanish King (Philippe II), to the Low Countries, seemed quite moderate in comparison, having tortured and killed some 18,000 Protestants within six years.

In France, the massacre of St. Bartholomew on August 24, 1572, so justifiably stigmatized by the historians, resulted in only 100,000 victims.

The twentieth century, however, was doomed to witness in Europe, in the name of racial purity and religion such a genocide as the past has never known, in which the Orthodox Serbs in Croatia barely escaped complete extermination. Yet this gigantic holocaust, which took place only a few years ago and which was witnessed by the present generation, has given rise to the most fantastic stories, accompanied by an intense propaganada that still continues a tireless effort to “cleanse” the guilty of any sense of responsibility. All kinds of printed matter, written under the guise of the “greatest objectivity,” and published largely by the Croatian and Vatican printing presses, is being circulated throughout the world." Genocide in Satellite Croatia, 1941-1945. Foreword p. 4,5. Edmond Paris

While Jews and Roma (Gypsies) were targeted by the Ustashe, the Serbians suffered the greatest in numbers.

THE USTASE, (Ustachi, Ustacha, Ustache, Oustachis)

"What these "Assassins in the Name of God", as they were so rightly nicknamed by M. Herve Lauriere, did over four years defies all imagination, and the annals of the Roman Church, even though so rich in such material, cannot produce the equivalent in Europe. Do we need to add that the crony of the blood-thirsty Ante Pavelitch was Monseigneur Stepinac, another Jesuit?"

"The KNIFE, REVOLVER, MACHINE GUN and TIME BOMB; these are the idols, these are bells that will announce the dawning and THE RESURRECTION OF THE INDEPENDENT STATE OF CROATIA.” - Ante Pavelic

Goldstein & Goldstein, 216. p. 92

Out of the Satellite State of Croatia during World War II comes one of the most horrendous genocides that ever existed. While bullets were used, this holocaust also involved a one on one killing of Serbs (the majority of victims), Jews, and Romas using what is called the Serb Cutter knife pictured to the right.

The Croatian USTASE used this sort of knife known as the 'Serb Cutter' to slit the throats of victims at the JASENOVAC Concentration Camp. They even held competitions to see who could kill the fastest. The winner of one such competition, Petar Brzica slit the throats of 1,300 or 1360 Serbian and Jewish prisoners. Dimitrije Ristevski: Psihološka rehabilitacija Srbije, Narodna knj. Alfa, 1997 p. 148. Wikipidea

ANTE PAVELIC (July 14, 1889 to Dec. 28, 1959)

  • Croatian fascist leader of the USTASE during WW II.

  • Led the Catholic Independent Satellite State of Croatia

  • Nazi puppet State subservient to Nazi Germany & Italy

  • Pavelic was a practicing lawyer in Zagreb.

  • King Alexander 1 of Yugoslavia assumed dictatorial power in 1929

  • Pavelić fled to Italy when King Alexander came to power

  • Pavelic organized a group of Croatian terrorists known as the Ustaše

  • The Ustase assassinated King Alexander in Marseille on Oct. 9, 1934.

  • Pavelic was closely allied with Catholic Archbishop Stepinac - pictured above

  • Pavelic was staunchly Anti-Serbian and Antisemitic.

  • With the German defeat, Pavelic hid in Austria & Italy

  • Pavelic finally escaped to Argentina in 1948

  • There was an attempt on his life in 1957.

  • He fled to Paraguay and then later settled in Spain.

  • He ended up in a Franciscan monastery of Madrid

"Paris- Presse" points out the last shelter offered to the terrorist with this short, but significant phrase: "He ended up in a Franciscan monastery of Madrid"*. It is from there, in fact, that Pavelitch was taken to hospital where he paid his debt to nature—but not to justice, scoffed at by these "powerful accomplices" who are easy to identify." SHOTJ p. 149 "

*Paris-Presse", 31st of December 1959.

What is Fascism?

"[Fascism is] based on an ethnic division between 'us' and 'them', an extreme ethno-nationalism. It's based on nostalgia for a mythic past, typically in which members of the chosen ethnic group had an empire – and it represents the present as loss of that great empire, that natural standpoint in which members of this ethnic group dominated their environment militarily, politically, and culturally," Jason Stanley, professor of philosophy at Yale University and author of "How Fascism Works " (Random House, 2020)

"When, in 1941, Hitler and Mussolini invaded and divided Yoguslavia, this supposed Croatian patriot was put, by them, at the head of the satellite state they created under the name of "Independent State of Croatia". On the 18th of May of that same year, in Rome, Pavelitch offered the crown of that state to the Duke of Spolete who took the name "Tomislav II". Of course, he took care never to set foot on the blood-stained soil of his pseudo-kingdom. "On the same day, Pius XII gave a private audience to Pavelitch and his 'friends', one of whom was Monseigneur Salis-Sewis, vicar-general ot Monseigneur Stepinac. "So, the Holy See did not fear shaking hands with a certified murderer, sentenced to death by default for the murder of King Alexander the First and Louis Barthou, a chief of terrorists having the most horrible crimes on his conscience!

In fact, on the 18th of May 1941, when Pius XII gladly welcomed Pavelitch and his gang of killers, the massacre of Orthodox Croats was at its height, concurrently with forced conversions to Catholicism". Cf. Herve Lauriere: "Assassins in the Name of God", (Ed. Dufour, Paris 1951, pp.40 ss) SHOTJ p. 145

In essence Ethno-nationalism looks to preserve national, ethnic and racial purity and is basically what happened in Ante Pavelic and Archbishop Stepinac's Nazi puppet State of Croatia. The Serbians, Jews and Romas suffered from that Fascist ideology and were slaughtered in the hundreds of thousands especially the Serbs. Picture above right shows a Serb family massacred in their home by the Ustaše in 1941.


"Most people know little about or have never heard of the Ustase – a Croatian, racist, Nazi-like movement formed in 1929 that ruled Croatia during World War II. Modeled after the Italian fascists, the Ustase sought to separate Croatia from Yugoslavia in order to attain Croatian independence and create a “pure” Croatian state, using genocide to rid the country of “impure” people. This dark period for Croatia resulted in the Ustase genocide.

Top 10 facts about the Ustase Genocide:

  1. The targets of the Ustase genocide were mainly Serbs, Jews and Gypsies. These groups were also the main targets of the German Nazi genocide (the Holocaust).

  2. Initially, the Ustase’s enacted race laws against the groups they saw as non-Croatian and who they felt threatened Croatian identity, much like how the Nazi’s established race rules against those who weren’t considered pure Germans.

  3. Additionally, like the German Nazis, the Ustase also established concentration camps to carry out their ethnic cleansing. The largest was Jasenovac where the Ustase murdered around 70,000 to 100,000 people.

  4. The Jewish population of Croatia was practically eliminated – almost all of the 40,000 Jews that resided in Croatia were murdered.

  5. It is estimated that about 30,000 Croatian Gypsies were murdered as well. The most number of deaths comes from the Serbs killed by the Ustase; it is estimated (on the low end) that 300,000 to 400,000 Serbs were murdered in the Ustase genocide. Some reports estimate that around 750,000 Serbians perished.

  6. The leader of the Ustase movement, Ante Pavelic, fled to South America after the end of World War II in 1945. He eventually moved to Spain and died in 1959 at the age of 70 and was never prosecuted for his crimes.

  7. The racism in Croatia did not end after the end of World War II, it continued into the later twentieth century with Serbs still being persecuted and even murdered as late as 1991.

  8. Even the United States was complicit in the continued racism in Croatia. The Assistant US Secretary of State who served as the American Ambassador to Germany during the beginning of the Yugoslav War, Richard Holbrooke, represented the US view that “The Serbs started this war.”

  9. Unlike the German concentration camps, which most often used gas chambers to murder the innocent people they targeted, the Ustase genocide was carried out through much more brutal means. Croatian Serbs, Jews, and Gypsies were cruelly beheaded, drowned and murdered in other barbaric and torturous ways.

  10. Even the German Nazis noticed the brutality of the Ustase. A Gestapo report to Heinrich Himmler from 1942 stated, “The Ustaše committed their deeds in a bestial manner not only against males of conscript age but especially against helpless old people, women and children.”

The shocking cruelty of the Ustase genocide has gone forgotten but should be remembered as an example of the senseless tragedy that occurs from allowing nationalism and racism to fester rather than rooting it out immediately.

Mary Kate Luft, The Borgen Project. November 9, 2017




"It was the Serbian minority of the population they were after, as the author Walter Hagen explains: "Thanks to the 'Oustachis', the country was soon transformed into a bloody chaos... The deadly hatred of the new masters was directed towards the Jews and Serbians who were officially outlawed... Whole villages, even whole regions were sytematically wiped

out... As the ancient tradition wanted Croatia and the Catholic Faith, Serbia and the Orthodox Church to be synonymous, the Orthodox believers were constrained to join the Catholic Church. These compulsory conversions constituted the completion of "croatisation". Walter Hagen op.cit., pp. 168,176,198,199.

Picture on the right shows a Serbian man about to loose his head to Ustase military which incidentally included Catholic Priests. One man points what looks like a gun at the Serb's head while the other two are about to saw his head off.

Execution of prisoners at the Jasenovac concentration camp, which was briefly run by a Franciscan military chaplain, Miroslav Filipović, who was stripped of his status by the church but was hanged for his war crimes wearing his clerical garb.



BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) _ Andrija Artukovic, who was extradited from the United States and convicted of ordering thousands of prisoners killed in World War II, has died in jail at the age of 88, it was reported Monday.

Known as the ″Butcher of the Balkans,″ Artukovic had been sentenced to death by firing squad in May 1986, but his execution had been postponed indefinitely because of his ill health.

The official news agency reported that he died Saturday in the jail hospital in the Croatian capital of Zagreb, but did not give a cause of death......

Artukovic entered the United States in July 1948 and spent most of his time in California.

The Yugoslav government accused Artukovic of being responsible for at least 700,000 deaths, and a preliminary indictment mentioned 231,000.

In 1986, it won a three-decade legal battle with the United States to get him back home.

At sentencing in May 1986, chief judge Milos Gajski described Artukovic as ″the master of life and death ... founder and inspiring spirit of Nazi Fascist Croatia.″ Croatia was incorporated into Communist Yugoslavia after the end of World War II.

"Andrija Artukovic, minister of the Interior, was the great organiser of these massacres and compulsory conversions; but, while doing it, he "morally" defended himself, according to a witness in a high position.

Indeed, when the Yugoslav government asked for his extradition from the United States where he had taken refuge, someone spoke on his behalf: the R.P. Jesuit Lackovic, residing also in the United States, and secretary to Monseigneur Stepinac, archbishop of Zagreb, during the last war.

"Artukovic", states the Jesuit, "was the lay spokesman of Monseigneur Stepinac. Between 1941 and 1945, not one day went by without seeing him in my office or myself going to his. He asked the archbishop's advice on all his actions, as far as their moral aspect was concerned" "Mirror News" of Los Angeles, 24th of January 1958. SHOTJ p. 145

  • A Minister in the Independent State of Croatia

  • One of Ante Pavelic’s most trusted deputies

  • The highest-ranking war criminal to flee to the USA.

  • Studied at a Franciscan monastery at Siroki Brijeg in Hercegovina

  • He led uprising in Velebit Mountains in the 1930s, escaping arrest.

  • He joined the Ustasha movement in exile.

  • Planned 2nd assassination of Yugoslav's King Alexander if Ustase plot failed

  • Interior Minister of Croatia after the Nazi invasion of Yugoslavia, April 6, 1941.

  • As Interior Minister approved practically every aspect of the Ustase terror

  • He ordered the extermination of 4,000 Serbs in Siroki Brijeg in May 1941.

  • He approved concentration camp builds in Sept 1941, including Jasenovac.

  • Fled with Pavelic, Archbishop Ivan Saric & other Ustase to Austria in 1945.

  • Allegedly freed by British from detention camp in Spittal.

  • Deviated from Ratline escape route, hiding first in Switzerland & then Ireland

  • Entered USA July 16, 1948 with a forged Irish identity certificate.

  • Artukovic was finally deported in 1986

  • Tried and sentenced to death by firing squad in Yugoslavia

  • He died in custody in a Croatian prison hospital in 1988.

  • Yugoslavia's law forbade the execution of an ill individual.

"When we know what the "actions" of this executioner were, we realise what kind of edifying "moral" advice Monseigneur Stepinac gave him. Massacres and "conversions" took place until the Liberation, and the good-will of the Holy-Father towards the killers never altered. One must read, in the Croatian Catholic newspapers of that time, the exchanges of compliments between Pius XII and Pavelitch, the "Poglavnik", to whom Monseigneur Saric, Jesuit archbishop of Sarajavo and a poet in his spare time, dedicated verses impregnated with a rapturous adoration." SHOTJ p. 145

"Poglavnik" means leader

"The collusion of the Croatian fascist government (or the Ustashi), and the Croatian Catholic hierarchy seems to have been inspired, under these tragic circumstances, by an anachronistic fanaticism."

"Naturally, there were many enlightened and liberal citizens who knew very well who Pavelic and his followers were, but there were not many who raised their voices against the criminal deeds of Pavelic and his gang. Unfortunately, important segments of the Croatian Peasant party and the Catholic Church were in full collaboration with the Ustashi."


"From the pulpits of the churches, and over the radio, the pastoral letter was read to the people in which His Grace Stepinac acknowledged the Ustashi government with enthusiasm, assuring it of his confidence and co-operation, and appealing to all of his loyal followers to collaborate with him."

"The Catholic press also made use of every possible opportunity to express its appreciation for the Ustashi movement. During the unveiling of a plaque on house No. 4 of the “ Captol ” where the Ustashi met and organized their plots against the state of Yugoslavia, Archbishop Stepinac’s newspaper, Katolicki List published an extensive article about this celebration, as well as the inscription on the plaque, which read: “The foundations of the Ustashi Movement were layed in this building, where the first Ustashi units were formed among adherents of the Croat Revolutionary Youth Organizations.” "Katolicki Tjednik, April 27, 1941 (Sarajevo).

"The newspaper of the Sarajevo Archbishopric wrote the following concerning Ustashi Croatia: “We salute the new and free Croatia, as a Christian and Catholic State. Freedom is granted by God and therefore it is blessed by God.” Katolicki Tjednik, April 27, 1941 (Sarajevo).

“The greatest enemies of the Croatian people are the Serbs and, as in all Europe, the Jews, Free Masons, and Communists.’ Katolicki Tjednik (The Catholic Weekly), Sarajevo, June 15, 1941

"This was, at least, what Roman clericalism had preached in all the countries of Europe, even before it had fallen beneath the yoke of Hitler. The following is an excerpt from the pastoral letter of the primate of Poland, Cardinal Hlond: “It is an actual fact that the Jews fight against the Catholic Church. They are free-thinkers, and constitute the vanguard of atheism, bolshevism and revolution. The Jewish influence on morals is fatal. It is also true that the Jews are committing frauds, practicing usury and dealing in white slavery.” Time, July 22, 1946.

The Ustashi exterminated 80% of Yugoslav Jews. Genocide in Satellite Croatia . p. 80


"The Serbian army is finished. Serbia does not exist anymorel That Karadjordjevic Gypsy Dynasty has fallen, and will end for us soon. The highways will be waiting for the Serbs to pass, but the Serbs will be no more therel I have published drastic orders for their total economic destruction, and other orders will follow for their complete annihilation. Do not be weak toward anyone of them . . . destroy them wherever you get a chance, and the blessings of our Leader and mine will be upon you. . . . Anyone who protects them becomes by this very fact an enemy of the Croat freedom. . . . Let the Serbs do away with their hopes. ... By these methods we shall be fulfilling the will of God and that of our Croatian people." Newspaper Hrvatska Krajina (Banja Luka), May 30, 1941. Gutic was captured by the British in Italy and was turned over to Tito. While in prison in Italy, waiting extradition, he went out of his mind, with symptoms of religious mania.


(the Minister of Justice)

“This state, our country, is only for Croats and for no one else. There are no ways and means which we Croats will not use to make our country truly ours, and to cleanse it of all Orthodox Serbs. All those who came into our country 300 years ago must disappear. We make no attempt to conceal our intention. It is the policy of our state, and during its realization we shall do nothing else save follow the principles of the Ustashi. Novi List , June 3, 1941. Genocide in Satellite Croatia . p. 83


Poglavik (leader) of the Nazi Puppet State of Croatia

“A good Ustashi is he who can use his knife to cut a child from the womb of its mother.”

as regards the Jews, I can tell you they will be finally liquidated shortly.Goldstein, “The Genocide against the Jews in the Independent State of Croatia,”


Article titled 'Christ and Croatia'

“Christ and the Ustashi, Christ and the Croatians, march together through history. From the first day of its existence the Ustashi movement has been fighting for the victory of Christ’s principles, for the victory of justice, freedom and truth. Our Holy Saviour will help us in the future as he has done until now. That is why the new Ustashi Croatia will be Christ’s, ours, and no one else." Nedelja, June 6, 1941.


“The lower clergy not only tolerated these massacres but was often an accomplice. Young priests enlisted, gun in hand. Is there anyone who believes that religious mysticism, however extreme and primitive, can be associated with assassinations?”


The Catholic priest, Dragutin Kamber, who joined the Ustaša movement in 1941, wrote that Pavelić, “was the hero of the day ... the avenger of a martyred past.”

Mark Biondich, “Controversies surrounding the Catholic Church in Wartime Croatia, 1941-1945,” Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions 7, no. 4 (December 2006): 440. OCCASIONAL PAPERS ON RELIGION IN EASTERN EUROPE (FEBRUARY 2020) XL, 1


"The day after the arrival of Pavelić, His Grace Stepinac rushed to offer the congratulations of the Church to this assassin of King Alexander and Louis Barthou [...] This great man had come, the prelate explained, “to realize the greatest task of his existence”.[...] On Easter Day, 1941, Archbishop Stepinac announced from the pulpit in the Cathedral of Zagreb, the establishment of the Independent State of Croatia. Thus, in the church itself, he celebrated high treason against Yugoslavia." Paris and Perkins, Genocide in Satellite Croatia, 1941-1945, 55.

"In essence, practically everyone knew about the massacres (including the Vatican), yet no one did anything about it, or even seemed openly concerned." Genocide in Satellite Croatia . p. 86

By June 1941, two and a half months after the formation of the Independent State of Croatia, Ante Pavelic had presided over the massacre of:

  • 180,000 Serbs and Jews

  • the martyrdom of three bishops

  • the martyrdom more than 100 Serbian Orthodox priests and members of religious orders.

"Such a list of victims “on his slate" in such a short time, was an auspicious beginning, and gave a true significance to the sermon delivered by His Grace, Stepinac, who said that “as legitimate representatives of the Church of God in the Independent State of Croatia, of which you are the Head, we utter our deference with our whole hearts, and promise our sincere and loyal collaboration for the brightest of futures for our fatherland.” Katolicki List, n°26, 1941, and Hrvatski Narod, June 30, 1941. Genocide in Satellite Croatia . p. 86

"Today it has been proved that in spite of an intense propaganda, the Croatian Catholic peasantry contributed only a small contingent of killers and collaborators to the Ustashi movement (approximately 5%). The fanatics of Croatian nationalism were to be found mostly among artisans, shopkeepers, functionaries, or officers of low rank, who were social misfits. Students, seminarists and priests were also very numerous, above all, in the Franciscan and Jesuit orders" Genocide in Satellite Croatia . p 95


"Students, seminarists and priests were also very numerous, above all, in the Franciscan and Jesuit orders" Genocide in Satellite Croatia . p 95


The Jasenovac Concentration Camp was the largest Non-Nazi extermination camp in Croatia and the third largest in Europe. It was commandeered by the Franciscan priest Miroslav Filipovic-Majstorovic pictured right and in the centre in the picture below with two Ustasa guards.

"The camp at Jasenovac was the most important and the one which leaves the most terrifying memory of such infernos. Organized like infamous Belsen, this macabre camp, was composed of wooden huts, built on piles because of the dampness of the ground near the Sava River. Famine and massacres added to this unsanitary location, resulting in the rapid extermination of all the unfortunate victims who were interned there. It is estimated that a total of about 200,000 people met their death during 1941-1942. Crowds of Jewish children were burned alive in the old brick ovens, transformed into crematories.

Vjekoslav Luburic, commander-in-chief of all the Croatian camps, announced the great “efficacity” of this slaughterhouse at a ceremony on October 9, 1942, in which he distributed gold and silver medals, in the names of Pavelic and Artukovic, to the most efficient assassins. During the banquet which followed, he reported with pride: “We have slaughtered here at Jasenovac more people than the Ottoman Empire was able to do during its occupation of Europe."

Luburic now lives in Spain and publishes an Ustashi paper called Drina , and writes under the name of “General Drinjanin. - quote from "Genocide in Satellite Croatia. p 132

The evidence is there for all to see that Papal Rome throughout its history has been involved in the persecution and murder of Bible believing Christians, those described as heretics. The system never changes hence it has continued its drive for world dominance and with it comes the collateral damage seen in the two world wars, the killings by the Nazis and the Ustachi in Satellite Croatia and more recently, as occurred in Rwanda. And now the Ukraine's Maidan Riots and shootings and its Nazi connections are fighting the Papacy's and USA's war against Communism and the Orthodox community.

There is also Papal Rome's involvement in THE RATLINES, a system of escape for Nazi War Criminals.

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