Biblical truth is often painful.
It is often labelled as bigotry especially when it cuts across long held beliefs.
Truth fears no investigation, on the contrary, it welcomes it.
Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me. John 14:6. That is as 'bigoted' a truth statement as can be to those who are antichrist. But in love we seek to enlighten and prayerfully hope to draw to God and the Bible those who are genuine seekers of truth who may not have heard of the things in this website.

LITERAL Babylon is the head of Gold of the Daniel chapter 2 image.
Papal Rome is the feet of iron & clay of the Daniel chapter 2 image.
The harlot woman of Revelation 17 is none other than Papal Rome.
This woman's name is "Mystery, Babylon the Great..."
Hence the feet of Iron & Clay is spiritual Babylon - Papal Rome.
The Daniel 2 image commences with LITERAL Babylon.
The Daniel 2 image ends with SPIRITUAL Babylon - Papal Rome.
The stone in Daniel 2 will strike the feet of Iron & clay (spiritual Babylon)
The worship of Papal Rome is the Babylonian pagan sun-worship masquerading as Christianity. This webpage will explore the thoroughly pagan nature of the symbols used by the papacy (the beast of Revelation 13:1-10). No doubt papal Rome will provide explanations / excuses for the use of these images adopted directly from paganism and 'Christianised'. These have nothing whatsoever to do with true Biblical Christianity.
A rose by any other name will smell just as sweet, so it is with the images of angels, pine cones, clam shells etc. They are pagan through and through regardless of the excuses we use to legitimise them in the so called Christian worship.
Hence concealed behind the professed Christianity of the Daniel 2 image in the form of Papal Rome (spiritual Babylon), the papacy continues the pagan sun-worship of literal Babylon.
The message of Revelation 18 is to "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."

[In the twelfth chapter of Revelation we have as a symbol a great red dragon. In the ninth verse of that chapter this symbol is explained as follows: “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world; he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”
Undoubtedly the dragon primarily represents Satan. But Satan does not appear upon the earth in person; he works through agents. It was in the person of wicked men that he sought to destroy Jesus as soon as he was born. Wherever Satan has been able to control a government so fully that it would carry out his designs, that nation became, for the time, Satan's representative. This was the case with all the great heathen nations. For instance, see Ezekiel 28, where Satan is represented as actual king of Tyre. This was because he fully controlled that government. In the first centuries of the Christian era, Rome, of all the pagan nations, was Satan's chief agent in opposing the gospel, and was therefore represented by the dragon.
But there came a time when paganism in the Roman empire fell before the advancing form of Christianity. Then, as is stated on page 54, “paganism had given place to the papacy. The dragon had given to the beast ‘his power, and his seat, and great authority.’” That is, Satan then began to work through the papacy, just as he had formerly worked through paganism. But the papacy is not represented by the dragon, because it is necessary to introduce another symbol in order to show the change in the form of the opposition to God. Previous to the rise of the papacy, all opposition to the law of God had been in the form of paganism,— God had been openly defied; but from that time the opposition was carried on under the guise of professed allegiance to him. The papacy, however, was no less the instrument of Satan than was pagan Rome; for all the power, the seat, and the great authority of the papacy, were given it by the dragon. And so, although the pope professes to be the vicegerent of Christ, he is, in reality, the vicegerent of Satan —he is antichrist.] GC88 680.1
The first beast of Revelation 13:1-10 is Papal Rome
The Dragon gave this beast its power, seat & great authority - Rev 13:2
The second beast of Revelation 13:11-18 is Protestant "Rome" (USA)
This second beast SPEAKS as a dragon - Rev 13:11
The dragon is identified in Rev 12:9 as that great serpent, the devil & Satan.
These two beasts of Revelation 13 are actuated by the Dragon or devil
These two beasts represent PROFESSED CHRISTIANITY
A Christianity in rebellion against the word of God & the Law of God
PROFESSED CHRISTIANITY is the greatest enemy of mankind - Rev 13:1-18
These two beast systems will lead to the destruction of many.
THE SECOND COMMANDMENT "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments." Exodus 20:4-6
(Most of the imagery on this page is from James Arrabito's work) Much of, if not all, the symbols used in professed Christianity especially by Papal Rome is borrowed from paganism and christianised.
Repetitious praying using prayer beads is very much part and parcel of virtually every major non-Christian religious tradition in the world.

In the ancient cylinder seal above left from Mesopotamia, note how the priest is holding a circle of beads. Beads were also commonly buried with the pharaohs of Egypt and used by pagan cults of the East. In the imagery below on the left, a Hindu deity holds prayer beads. On the right are Buddhist prayer beads, known as "malas", common among Tibetan Buddhists and likely to have been adapted from Hinduism. Malas usually have 108 beads and represent humanity’s mortal desires. They often end in a tassel or amulet (talisman), the latter being a natural or man-made object believed to have special powers to protect oneself and deliver good luck.

Christianity adopted the pagan practise of prayer beads (Rosary) in the 3rd century AD.
Below is a Roman Catholic prayer bead, the Rosary.

[In Roman Catholicism the rosary became a popular method of public and private prayer. The most common rosary is the one devoted to Mary, the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin, the prayers of which are recited with the aid of a chaplet, or rosary. The beads of the chaplet are arranged in five decades (sets of 10), each decade separated from the next by a larger bead. The two ends of the chaplet are joined by a small string holding a crucifix, two large beads, and three small beads.
Traditionally, the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin requires three turns around the chaplet. It consists of the recitation of 15 decades of Hail Marys (150 Hail Marys), each one said while holding a small bead. On the larger beads separating the decades, different prayers are said (the Gloria Patri and the Our Father) and particular mysteries are meditated upon. The 15 mysteries are events from the life, death, and glorification of Jesus Christ and Mary; they are divided into three sets of five—the joyous, the sorrowful, and the glorious mysteries. The introductory and concluding prayers of the rosary vary.]
The Roman Catholic rosary originated in paganism; it was used by the ancient Mexicans, the Brahmins of Hindustan, the Tibetan priests of Tartary, and in the cults of Greece and Rome. It has nothing to do with true Biblical Christianity.
Incidentally, during the Roman Catholic Confessional, one is always told by the priest who hears your confession, that as an act of penance or contrition one would have to say so many "Hail Mary's and so many 'Our Fathers' (the Lord's prayer) and depending on the severity of the sins confessed it could be 10 'Hail Mary's and 10 'Our Fathers'
The Bible simply says that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin. 1John 1:7,9 and not by so many 'Hail Marys' and 'Our Fathers'.
"And now I would ask a strange question: who is the most diligentest bishop and prelate in all England, that passeth all the rest in doing his office? I can tell, for I know him who it is; I know him well. But now I think I see you listening and hearkening that I should name him. There is one that passeth all the other, and is the most diligent prelate and preacher in all England. And will ye know who it is? I will tell you: it is the devil. He is the most diligent preacher of all other; he is never out of his diocess; he is never from his cure; ye shall never find him unoccupied; he is ever in his parish; he keepeth residence at all times; ye shall never find him out of the way, call for him when you will he is ever at home; the diligentest preacher in all the realm; he is ever at his plough: no lording nor loitering can hinder him; he is ever applying his business, ye shall never find him idle, I warrant you. And his office is to hinder religion, to maintain superstition, to set up idolatry, to teach all kind of popery. He is ready as he can be wished for to set forth his plough; to devise as many ways as can be to deface and obscure God's glory. Where the devil is resident, and hath his plough going, there away with books, and up with candles; away with bibles, and up with beads; away with the light of the gospel, and up with the light of candles, yea, at noon-days. Where the devil is resident, that he may prevail, up with all superstition and idolatry; tensing, painting of images, candles, palms, ashes, holy water, and new service of men's inventing; as though man could invent a better way to honour God with than God himself hath appointed. Down with Christ's cross, up with purgatory pickpurse, up with him, the popish purgatory, I mean. Away with clothing the naked, the poor and impotent; up with decking of images, and gay garnishing of stocks and stones: up with man's traditions and his laws, down with God's traditions and his most holy word. Down with the old honour due to God, and up with the new god's honour. Let all things be done in Latin: there must be nothing but Latin, not so much as Memento, homo, quod cinis es, et in cinerem reverteris: "Remember, man, that thou art ashes, and into ashes thou shalt return:" which be the words that the minister speaketh unto the ignorant people, when he giveth them ashes upon Ash-Wednesday; but it must be spoken in Latin: God's word may in no wise be translated into English." Sermon of the Plough - Hugh Latimer Preached in the Shrouds* at Paul's Church in London, on the Eighteenth day of January, Anno 1548.
*The sermons usually preached at St. Paul's Cross were, in rainy or inclement weather, "preached in a place called The Shrouds, which was, as it seems, by the side of the cathedral church where was covering and shelter."--Stow.
Pine cones were considered a symbol of fertility by the pagan Assyrians, Greeks and Romans. They were also thought to represent "the third eye", enlightenment and the pineal gland found in the brain which is in the shape of a pine cone.

The "third eye" symbolised by the pine cone is found in Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Theosophy and below is a Roman Catholic pine cone found on the pope's crosier.

Most Roman Catholics would have no idea as to the meaning of these things or even question the reason for their existence. Regardless of the attempts to justify them, there is no question these were adopted from paganism and find no place in Biblical Christianity.
Below is Dionysus, the Greek god, carrying a pine cone staff as a fertility symbol. Pine cones and pine cone staffs are very common on pagan statues and art as symbols of fertility and regeneration.

And here is the largest pine cone in the world, found in the Court of the Pine Cone, at the Vatican in Rome. What's it doing there folks?

"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments." Exodus 20:3-6
This commandment include statues of Mary, Joseph, angels, the crucifix and any creature whether they be eagles or other birds etc.

Oannes, Babylonian fish-god, was an allegory in the mysteries of the return of Nimrod from the world of the dead. He is depicted as a half-fish. Notice the fish's head over the human head. To the right above, is Vishnu, the Hindu fish-god, symbol of the sun rising from the sea.
Oannes, in Mesopotamian mythology, an amphibious being who taught mankind wisdom. Oannes, as described by the Babylonian priest Berosus, had the form of a fish but with the head of a man under his fish’s head and under his fish’s tail the feet of a man. In the daytime he came up to the seashore of the Persian Gulf and instructed mankind in writing, the arts, and the sciences. Oannes was probably the emissary of Ea, god of the freshwater deep and of wisdom.

Even the Fijians (Fiji Islands in the Pacific) had or have a fish god known as Dakuwaqa or the shark god. Dakuwaqa can change shape into anything, but his real form is that of a muscular Fijian man with the upper torso of a shark.

One of the names of the fish-god in Babylon and Philistia was Dagon (Dag=fish, on=sun). One of the most common ways of depicting Dagon is described by the archaeologist, Layard: "The head of the fish formed a mitre above that of a man, while its scaly, fin-like tail fell as a cloak behind, leaving the human limbs and feet exposed." Layard's Babylon & Nineveh, p. 343.

Mitres are universally used in Catholicism by popes, cardinals and bishops. There is no Christian origin for this symbol. The mitre has its origin in the ancient mysteries of the East. The Pope often displays his mitre publicly. It is one of the most visible evidences that sun worship has continued under the name of Christianity.
"The mitre is today the most important and solemn headdress of the Catholic Church, as it represents the splendour of the holiness embodied by the Bishop, his dignity and authority."
The influence and pull of paganism is so strong, that folk would rather believe the priest than believe the Scriptures. They would rather believe priests, bishops, cardinals and popes who will all perish than believe Jesus who lives evermore in the presence of the Father. See John 8:31,32 if you want to be a true follower of Christ and a true disciple. And Acts 5:29!
That fish hat representative of the fish-god of Babylon is still on the Pope's head. Note the crosier or diving staff and its pine cone immediately above the pope's left hand.

"As the Pope bears the key of Janus, so he wears the mitre of Dagon. The excavations of Nineveh have put this beyond all possibility of doubt. The Papal mitre is entirely different from the mitre of Aaron and the Jewish high priests.
That mitre was a turban. The two-horned mitre, which the Pope wears, when he sits on the high altar at Rome and receives the adoration of the Cardinals, is the very mitre worn by Dagon, the fish-god of the Philistines and Babylonians. There were two ways in which Dagon was anciently represented. The one was when he was depicted as half-man, half-fish; the upper part being entirely human, the under part ending in the tail of a fish. The other was, when, to use the words of Layard, "the head of the fish formed a mitre above that of the man, while its scaly, fan-like tail fell as a cloak behind, leaving the human limbs and feet exposed. Of Dagon in this form Layard gives a representation in his last work, which is here represented to the reader (Fig. 48); and no one who examines his mitre, and compares it with the Pope's, as given in Elliot's Horoe, can doubt for a moment that from that, and no other source, has the pontifical mitre been derived. The gaping jaws of the fish surmounting the head of the man at Nineveh are the unmistakable counterpart of the horns of the Pope's mitre at Rome. –– Alexander Hislop: "The Two Babylons; Or, The Papal Worship Proved to be The Worship of Nimrod and his Wife", Partridge & Co: London 71871 (1853).
Although the Roman Catholic Church claims that the crosier represents the shepherd's crook, it actually can be traced to the DIVING staff or augur of pontifex maximus of ancient Rome, who inherited it from the priests of Babylon. It was representative of the lightning bolt or serpent and often had one on it.

Left: St Franois de Sales statue, Notre Dame de Clermont cathedra, Clermont Ferrand, France - late 17th century. Note the fish-god Mitre as well.
Zeus, the mythological Greek god holds the symbol of thunder, a lightning bolt. His position of chief god and holder of the thunder originated in Mesopotamia. Zeus is called Marduk in Babylon, Baal in Canaan, Adad in Assyria, Jupiter in Rome, and Enlil, the hoofed, horned, lord of demons (from which we get the symbolic figure of the devil) in Sumeria. Papal Rome has its own version of this in Mary holding her lightning bolt as seen below.

Mary, (above right) or the female figure representing the Roman Catholic Church, holds a lightning bolt in her hand in precisely the same way as it is carried by chief deities in the pagan mysteries.

The Golden child in the Vatican treasury, like so many other images of the child in Roman Catholic Churches, is reminiscent of the ancient worship of Tammuz as a child. Born on December 25th, he represented the rebirth of the sun. As the pagan god child, he was called “Baal-berith.” or lord of the fir tree. Pagan Anglo Saxons called December 25, “Yule” Day, which is a Babylonian word for infant. The Egyptians and Persians celebrated the birthday of their god on December. 25th. Other names applied to the sun god as a child are Mithras, Horus, Isvara, Deoius, Jupiter, Plutus, Ninus, Osiris, Dionysus, Bacchus, Iacchus, Adonis, Attis etc. All these myths of child worship originated from ancient Babylon with Semiramis and Nimrod and are a reflection of ancient Babylonian customs.
Note the rays of the sun radiating from the child's head, a symbol of the sun-god. The Papal worship is the worship of the Babylonian sun-god on the day of the sun - Sunday. These and the following imagery have nothing to do with the humble, meek and lowly Jesus, our saviour and redeemer.

As a child is often seen carried by pagan deities, so the child is often positioned in the arms of Catholic saints. Above right is the Indian Madonna and child, Divaki and Krishna, mythical characters created by Brahmans to counter Christianity in 600 A.D. Note the halo behind the child's head - a symbol of the ancient practise of sun worship. The Hindu cult already had similar Madonna and child mythical characters, such as Isi and Isvara, and Lakshmi, mother of the universe.

Roman Catholic Madonna & Child.
Mother or Mary-worship is the most powerful and emotional phenomenon in the Roman Catholic Church today. This mystic cult is given credence by the countless accounts of supernatural phenomena involving statues, apparitions and healings. Since Mary-worship is found nowhere in the writings of the first Christians, it is evident its origin is found in the universal adoration of the mother goddess throughout paganism before the time of Christ. It was adopted into the rising Roman Church early in its history - some suggest after the fourth century A.D.

The Crescent was a symbol of fertility, the opening of the womb. The placing of Mary in a crescent is a remnant of the fertility cults of the ancient mother-goddess, traceable to the Babylonian queen, Semiramis, who was titled "Mother of God" and "Queen of Heaven". The Roman Catholic, Mary, is now the 'Queen of Heaven'. But note what God says about the Queen of heaven in Jeremiah 7:18, 44:17-19, 25
The very images of the pagan gods were adopted as Christian. "In some cases the adoption received no other disguise than to have the word 'saint' placed in front of the god's name. In other cases, the name was changed, but the rites, symbols, and processions continued as before." A.B. Cook, Zeus - A History of the Greek Religion. p. 43

On the right is the Golden door in the chapel of St. Ignatius in San Francisco, California. On it are several symbols identifying the wafer god. The Unicorn, Peacock and Phoenix are all well known symbols in the occult for the sun, Lucifer, or Satan.
Below is an Assyrian cylinder seal. Notice the SUN resting on a crescent-shaped monstrance to the extreme left of the image. To the right is an ornament from King Tut's tomb depicting a solar disc cradled securely in the womb of a crescent moon with the image of the young king in it

To the right, from the stele of Ur-Nammu of Ur (2112-2095 B.C.) The Solar balze is the sun-god, Shamash, placed within the crescent of the moon-goddess, Nana
Below is an 8th century B.C. style relief of King Bar-Raqqah from Syria. Note the solar disc within the crescent with a handle on the crescent similar to the Roman Catholic monstrance which contains the wafer disc shaped god in the crescent.

And below is a Roman Catholic monstrance used to contain the Eucharist wafer. In the doctrine of transubstantiation, the Eucharist is declared to be the ACTUAL BODY & BLOOD of Jesus Christ. Hence the Eucharist god can be created by the priest and carried about whithersoever, the priest goeth, much like the pagans.

THE 666 GOD - see Revelation 13 study on this website

This monstrance (case used to display the wafer-god of the mass) in the Vatican Museum has the three letters S.F.S within a small blaze. Each of these letters is a universal symbol for the number 6 in the pagan mysteries. To the eye of an initiate it simply reads 666.
Note also the straight and wavy rays emanating from the sun wafer-god representing the union of male and female in paganism.
Note: Olcott, commenting on the existence of cult symbolism in Christianity writes: "From the foregoing, which treats merely of the more important solar festivals, it is clear that these products of paganism are as much in force today... as they were, and that Christianity countenances, and in many cases actually adopted and practices pagan rites whose heathen significance is merely lost sight of because attention is not called to the source whence those rites have sprung. In short, sun worship, symbolically speaking, lies at the very heart of the great festivals which the Christian church celebrates today, and these relics of heathen religion have, through the medium of their sacred rites, blended with practices and beliefs utterly antagonistic to the spirit which prompted them."

Adad, Enlil, Baal, Neptune, Poseidon and other 'gods' of storm and sea were depicted as carrying tridents. It was symbolic of lightning. The wavy lines represent the female and were associated with the serpent; the straight line is male, representing the phallus; thus, this symbol represents male and female union.

Tridents as weapons found among Hindu gods, contain the fleur-de-lis, a symbol of fertility throughout the east and associated with the sacred Shin - w - in secret societies.
Below are some Roman Catholic Tridents.

A cross on the altar of St Paul's Cathedral (London) displaying four tridents in the Hindu fertility style. To the right is baby Jesus with his trident projecting from his head on a Roman Catholic Madonna and child image. The same symbol is found on clothing and regalia, architecture and art.
Note also the pagan hand symbol of the child's right hand and the globe in his left hand, a symbol of the universe.

These pagan hand signs predated Christianity. The church tries to justify their use in respect for St Peter, said to be the first pope (???) who suffered from an ulna nerve injury which resulted in Peter's hand being deformed in the way now depicted by the various popes

We do not believe for one moment that the Apostle Peter's hand was deformed and if it were there is no Biblical evidence for it. But like everything else we've seen so far, the origin of this hand sign is from pagan culture and predated Peter and the apostles. Papal Rome, true to form, adopted these pagan signs and tried to pan them off as something to do with Christianity. And the fleur-de-lis on the right, symbolic of the male and female, opening of the womb, associated with the hand sign?

Now was it Peter's deformed hand that originated the hand sign used by the popes or was it Jesus as depicted in the paintings below? Or was Jesus simply being sentimental in acknowledging Peter's hand deformity and making it a thing to be reverenced and perpetuated? We think not. The sign has nothing to do with Biblical Christianity. Note also the halo, to be discussed later behind Jesus' head.

Below right is the Pope and his Filipino cardinal giving the fingers and the fella with the proverbial two horns and a pitchfork is smiling away in a little dark corner of the room.
We do not believe the Biblical Jesus would use such signs and symbols!

"...and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority." Revelation 13:2
The papacy knows Rome is well positioned and 'everyone' loves the system so is not phased about using a 'Satanic type' hand sign all in the name of 'Love'. The Vicar of Christ???

Image to the left shows the fleur-de-lis on the head of Isis, the fertility goddess of Egypt. The middle image depicts a fleur-de-lis on the Tiara of a Neo-Assyrian winged-god from the palace of King Sargon II (721-705 B.C) in the Louvre, Paris. On the right is a typical example of the use of the Fleur-de-lis in Roman Catholic symbolism. It is also used in architectural design and clothing.
The halo is not a natural phenomenon. It is commonly attributed to the concept of the body aura, still a current teaching in the occult. Its origin is most likely Persia, Egypt and India, where solar blazes, discs and rays can be seen adorning the heads of statues of Persian, Hindu and Egyptian deities. It symbolises the deification of dead heroes and astrological gods. It has no place in the Christian Church. The halo's existence in Christendom is most likely a result of the active intercourse with ascetics and pagan monks from the East, common in Egypt and Rome during the first centuries of Christianity. The halo is common on Buddhist and Hindu statues and in Roman Catholic imagery. It is a symbol of the Sun which the pagans (Babylon) worshipped

Halos are common in Roman Catholic pictures of Mary, Joseph, angels and saints

Sun worship originated in Babylon. The sun often had a face in it as in the following images.

To the left above is a Roman sun-god. Notice the horns, and rays emanating in all directions. This relief is from the excavated Roman baths in Bath, England. To the right is the face of Apollo, the Greek sun-god, surrounded by straight and wavy blaze lines, from the Temple of Apollo facade in the Pergamum Museum in East Berlin. The face in the sun with the horns represent the ancient adoration of the horned sun god of Babylon.

To the left is the face in the sun in a Scandinavian church. Note the wavy and straight lines representing male and female. The middle image is of the face in the sun at the top of one of the giant serpentine pillars of Bernini's canopy in St Peter's Basilica, at the Vatican in Rome. To the right is a child's face within the fertility symbol of the sun's rays on a Roman Catholic altar. Again note the male and female straight and way rays radiating from the child's head.
The globe in pagan culture, like the sun and sun-god is a symbol of rulership of the universe. Below are a romanised ISIS, the Egyptian goddess of fertility, HERCULES, an allegorical figure of the sun-god and the Persian sun-god, MITHRA with their globes.

And below is the Roman Catholic Christ and the black virgin of Montserrat with their globes. Mary has a rulership role because in Catholicism, like Semiramis in Babylon, she is the Queen of heaven.

The tiara is a head dress symbolic of rulership. It has its roots in ancient Greece and Rome. The Greek word is derived from the Persian and signified the head dress of Persian kings. Asides from the queens of Europe, the word tiara later became commonly associated with the Roman Catholic triple crown worn by popes representing rulership of the world as noted below. Its origins is in paganism and has no place in Biblical Christianity. Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, not the popes.

Above is the bronze tomb of pope Sixtus or Pope 6. Six was a sacred number for the serpent in the ancient mysteries - 666. Five popes titled themselves "six". To the left above is the pope's tiara with an occult pyramid on top of six serpents.
It is no surprise that in using pagan symbolism she is demonstrating to the pagan world her authority over all.
“The pope is crowned with a triple crown as king of heaven, and earth, and purgatory.” Ferraris' Promptta Bibliotheca, Vol. VI, p 26, article "Papa."

“The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, but he is Jesus Christ Himself, hidden under veil of the flesh.” The Catholic National, July, 1895.
“What only God can do by his omnipotence, the priest can also do...Indeed it is not too much to say that in view of the sublimity of their office the priests are so many Gods.” Dignity and Duties of the Priest, Alphonsus De Liguori, p35.
“Does the Priest truly remit [forgive] sins, or does he only declare they are remitted? The priest does really and truly remit the sin in virtue of the power given him by Christ.” Joseph Deharbe, S.J., A Complete Catechism of the Catholic Religion, p275.
"All the names which in the Scriptures are applied to Christ, by virtue of which it is established that he is over the church, all the same names are applied to the pope." Robert Bellarmine, On the Authroity of the Councils, Chap 17 1628 ed., vol 1, p. 266
"We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty" Pope Leo XIII, Encyclical Letter of June 20, 1894
“The Pope is supreme judge of the law of the land...He is the viceregent of Christ, and is not only a priest forever, but is King of kings and Lord of lords.” La Civilta Cattolica, March 18, 1871.
“The Pope is of so great authority and power that he can modify, explain, or interpret even Divine laws...THE POPE CAN MODIFY DIVINE LAW, since his power is not of man, but of God, and he acts in the place of God upon earth.” Lucius Ferraris, “Papa,” art. 2, in Prompta Bibliotheca

Babylon worshipped the sun-god who was known as Tammuz and went by the names Mithra in Persia, Helios in Greece and Sol Invictus in Rome.
The wheel is one of a number of symbols for the sun and sun-god. Below left is a pagan sun wheel found in a temple in Kararak, India. It was associated with occultism and astrology. Even the cross was a symbol of the sun. When people looked at the sun, they squinted at its brightness and saw the shape of a cross in the sun.




"Unquestionably the largest occult solar wheel on earth is located in the court of St. Peter at the Vatican in Rome. Notice it is made of a wheel within a wheel, with eight spokes, a common symbol of cosmic energy in paganism. Protruding from its centre is an obelisk, the ancient symbol of Osiris, the solar phallic god of Egypt." The (New Illustrated) Great Controversy
The shell has strong connections with pagan religions and was a symbol of fertility and the cosmos / universe.
The Hindu god Vishnu, the creator often holds a conch shell in his right hand.
Venus, the goddess of love and fertility is often depicted in a clamshell.
Poseidon, the sea-god can be seen with a shell at his head - image below.
In Buddhism, a right coiled conch shell is one of 8 religious symbols.


The eye was a common symbol in Egyptian religion. The eye of Horus the Egyptian sky god and son of the Egyptian goddess, Isis, was supposed to have protective magical power and represented healing. His right eye was supposed to represent the sun and the left eye, the moon. The Romans also believed in an evil eye which led to bad luck or misfortune.


May God bless you abundantly as you study into these things for the time is at hand.
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