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Updated: Apr 6, 2023

"the fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom..." Dan 7:23


Prophecy follows the repeat & enlarge principle. The prophecy of Daniel 2 is repeated and enlarged upon in Daniel 7, 8 & 11. In Daniel 7 the fourth beast is said to be the fourth kingdom - Daniel 7:23.  Allowing Scripture to interpret itself, the mention of kingdoms here in Daniel 7 can only be referring to their first mention in Daniel chapter 2.


  • The prophetic part of the Book of Daniel commences in chapter 7

  • Daniel 2 is a dream given King Nebuchadnezzar - 4 great kingdoms.

  • Daniel 7,8 & 11 adds details to the Daniel 2 image & complete it.

  • Daniel 2 and 7 are complete prophecies commencing with Babylon.

  • Daniel 8 is the last chapter with symbols - Ram, He-Goat, Little Horn.

  • Daniel 2 starts with Babylon & ends with Papal Rome (Babylon).

  • Daniel 7 commences with Babylon and ends with Papal Rome.

  • Daniel 8 commences with Medo-Persia and ends with Papal Rome.

  • Daniel 11 commences with Medo-Persia & ends with Papal Rome.


"Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness [was] excellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof [was] terrible. This image's head [was] of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay. .... Thou [art] this head of gold. And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee, and another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth. And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all [things]: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise. And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay."

"Thou [art] this head of gold." Daniel 2:38 - BABYLON is the head of GOLD

"King"and "Kingdom" used interchangeably in prophecy.

Note in Daniel 7:17 "These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth."

And then note in the following, the beast is said to be a kingdom as well.

Daniel 7:23 "Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces."

  • The four beasts are called four kings in Daniel 7:17

  • The four beasts arise out of the earth - Dan 7:17

  • The fourth beast is said to be the fourth Kingdom in Daniel 7:23

  • The fourth beast is upon the earth - Daniel 7:23

  • A beast is called a "king"

  • A beast is also called a "kingdom"

  • Allowing scripture to interpret the symbolism, "King" is used interchangeably with "Kingdom"

  • Hence, while Daniel refers to King Nebuchanezzar as the head of Gold, it is really referring to the Kingdom of Babylon as the head of Gold.

However, another kingdom was to arise after Babylon


Just as the interpretation predicted, Babylon fell to the Medes & Persians - the second kingdom of Bible Prophecy. The event is outlined in Daniel chapter 5.

Then was the part of the hand sent from him; and this writing was written. And this [is] the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. This [is] the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians. "In that night was Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans slain. And Darius the Median took the kingdom, [being] about threescore and two years old." Daniel 5:24-31


This is described in Daniel Chapter 8:3-7 in the symbolism of the Ram and He-Goat


"Then I lifted up mine eyes, and saw, and, behold, there stood before the river a ram which had [two] horns: and the [two] horns [were] high; but one [was] higher than the other, and the higher came up last. I saw the ram pushing westward, and northward, and southward; so that no beasts might stand before him, neither [was there any] that could deliver out of his hand; but he did according to his will, and became great. And as I was considering, behold, an he goat came from the west on the face of the whole earth, and touched not the ground: and the goat [had] a notable horn between his eyes. And he came to the ram that had [two] horns, which I had seen standing before the river, and ran unto him in the fury of his power. And I saw him come close unto the ram, and he was moved with choler against him, and smote the ram, and brake his two horns: and there was no power in the ram to stand before him, but he cast him down to the ground, and stamped upon him: and there was none that could deliver the ram out of his hand." Daniel 8:3-7

"Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians." Daniel 5:28


The He-Goat "...smote the ram, and brake his two horns: and there was no power in the ram to stand before him, but he cast him down to the ground, and stamped upon him:" "The ram which thou sawest having [two] horns [are] the kings of Media and Persia. And the rough goat [is] the king of Grecia:" Daniel 8:7,20

"The ram which thou sawest having [two] horns [are] the kings of Media and Persia. And the rough goat [is] the king of Grecia: and the great horn that [is] between his eyes [is] the first king. Now that being broken, whereas four stood up for it, four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation, but not in his power." Dan 8:20-22

Alexander the Great's kingdom was finally divided and scattered toward the four winds of heaven (4 directions of the compass) Dan 8:8, 11:4. The four divisions of Alexander's kingdom are symbolised by the four horns which arose on the he-goat after the great horn was broken.


This is described in Daniel Chapter 8:9 and onwards in the symbolism of the Little horn.


While a little cryptic, Rome, both pagan and papal enters the prophecy in the description of the little horn here in Daniel 8. It is consistent with Daniel CHAPTERS 2,7 and 11. Note the following:

1. Daniel 2 - the fourth kingdom of Iron (Rome) transitions to Iron and Clay feet (Papal Rome)

2. Daniel 7 - fourth beast (Rome) transitions to the little horn (Papal Rome) on the 4th beast.

3. Daniel 8 - the little horn represents Rome in both its pagan and papal phases.

4. Daniel 11: Rome, the King of the North, transitions to Papal Rome in vs 30,31 - same symbol for both - the King of the North


1. Came forth a little horn - Rome came forth from one of the winds of the compass

2, It waxed exceeding great. Rome was greater than Medo-Persia or Grecia

3. It conquered South, East & the pleasant land - Rome conquered Palestine.

4. It waxed great, [even] to the Host of heaven - Rome persecuted God's people.

5. It cast the host & stars to the ground. cf He-Goat casting Ram to the ground.

6. It stamped upon them. Rome destroyed God's people.

7. Yea, He magnified [himself] even to the Prince of the Host. Rome crucified Christ.

8. From him, the DAILY was taken away - from Rome the DAILY was exalted.

9. The place of his sanctuary was cast down - Emperor Constantine gave up Rome.

10. And an host was given him against the daily ....... cf Dan 11:31

11. "and it cast down the truth to the ground;" - Papal Rome cast the truth down

12. "and it practised, and prospered." - Papal Rome is a financial superpower

13. the daily & the transgression of desolation, trods underfoot sanctuary & host

14. Paganism, the DAILY (Pagan Rome) & the transgression of desolation (Papal Rome) destroyed God's people (the host) and the Sanctuary - destroyed in 70AD.

15. "And in the latter time of their kingdom," - latter time of four divisions of Grecia

16. "king of fierce countenance, & understanding dark sentences, shall stand up."

17. Rome followed the Grecian Kingdom.

18. Rome spoke a language (Latin) the Jews did not understand - cf Deut 28:49,50

19. His power shall be mighty vs 24 - Rome described as exceeding great.

20. He shall destroy wonderfully vs 24. Rome destroyed God's people

21. He shall prosper and practise vs 24 - Papal Rome practised and prospered.

22. He shall destroy the mighty and holy people - Both Romes killed Christians.

23. And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand;

24. and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many:

25. "he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes;" - Rome is antichrist.

26. "he shall be broken without hand" cf Dan 2:34,35 - Papal Rome will be destroyed.


The Roman Empire followed the Grecian Empire.

The Roman Empire became 'exceeding great' compared to Persia & Grecia

The Roman Empire invaded and conquered the pleasant land - Palestine

Jesus (the Prince of the host) was born in the time of the Roman Empire.

The Roman Empire crucified Christ, the Prince of the host.

The Roman Empire killed God's people - Christians were fed to the lions.

The Roman Empire destroyed Jerusalem and its temple ( Sanctuary)

The Roman Empire transitioned to the Papal Roman Empire of the Popes

The Papal Roman Empire killed Bible believing Christians - inquisition etc

Papal Rome 'destroyed' the sanctuary, substituting its own priestly system

The Papal Roman Empire is against Christ or is Antichrist

The Papal Roman Empire will be destroyed.

Hence if the fourth beast is the fourth kingdom, then the third, second and first beasts are symbols of the third, second and first kingdoms of the Daniel 2 image.

The fourth kingdom of Daniel 2 was Pagan ROME, hence the fourth beast of Daniel 7 is symbolic of ROME. However, Rome, the legs of Iron in Daniel 2 transitioned to the feet of Iron & clay which is symbolic of Papal ROME, the state (iron monarchy of Rome) mixed with religion, the latter represented by the CLAY.

We identified the iron & clay as the union of church & state in the form of Papal Rome and its long succession of Popes. Point is if the fourth beast is the fourth kingdom, then somewhere in the fourth beast must lie the clue to the religio-political system of Papal ROME (IRON & CLAY) as found in the Daniel chapter 2 image.

Daniel chapter 7 identifies the "IRON & CLAY" of Daniel 2 in the fourth beast with added details identifying Papal Rome as the little horn of Daniel chapter 7.

Daniel chapter 2 contains four kingdoms.

​Daniel chapter 7 contains four kingdoms.

In Daniel chapter 2 the fourth kingdom is divided.

​In Daniel chapter 7 the fourth kingdom is divided.

In Daniel chapter 2 is the image of a man

​In Daniel chapter 7 the little horn has the eyes of a man.

In Daniel chapter 2 the image is destroyed after the division of the 4th kingdom.

In Daniel chapter 7 the 4th beast is destroyed after the division into the ten horns.

In Daniel chapter 2 the kingdom of God is set up at the end.

In Daniel chapter 7 the kingdom of God is set up at the end.

Daniel 2 deals largely with political changes.  The four beasts in Daniel 7 parallel the four metals in the image of Daniel 2 and represent the same four kingdoms:

  1. Babylon

  2. Medo Persia

  3. Grecia

  4. Rome.

In Daniel 7 the focus of attention moves toward the last period of earth’s history. The judgment is described as occurring some time before the fourth beast is destroyed. 

Daniel 7, like the rest of the book, was given to show the people of God their part in the great controversy between Christ & Satan, the efforts of Satan to destroy them, through to their final victory are revealed.

"the fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom..." Daniel 7:23

OVERVIEW Using four beasts, God foretells the rise and fall of the four great successive kingdoms which have especially affected Godʼs people:

Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece & Rome. Romeʼs division into the nations of Europe is represented by the ten horns on the fourth beast but Rome continues on as it transitions to Papal Rome which arises in Europe after the ten horns have arisen. Rome persecutes God's faithful and then the judgment begins in Heaven. Christ receives His kingdom and the beast is then destroyed.

Verses 1-7

Daniel sees four carnivorous beasts rise out of the sea as the four winds blow. These four beasts are said to represent four kingdoms which, like all predators, exist by overpowering others (v 23). The waters from which they rise represent a populated area (Rev 17:15; Isa 57:20; 60:5). The winds represent war and strife by which kingdoms come to power (Jer 49:36-37; 51:2-3). This vision parallels the vision of Daniel chapter 2.

The four beasts parallel the four kingdoms of the Daniel 2 image. Daniel told King Nebuchadnezzar that three other kingdoms would arise after Babylon. Daniel 7 reiterates this in verse 23: "the fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom..." Hence the third beast would be the third kingdom of the image, the second beast the second kingdom etc.

THE FOUR BEASTS The four beasts represent Babylon, Medo- Persia, Greece and Rome.


- Beasts are a symbol of kingdoms, nations, powers - see verse 23

- Sea / waters represent peoples, nations - Rev 17:15, Isaiah 57:20, 60:5

- Diverse beasts like the different metals of the Daniel 2 image

- Wings symbol of speed in conquering (Eze 17:3, 12; Lam 4:19; Hab 1:6-8). - Wings plucked - no longer swift to conquer.

- Manʼs heart - loss of lion-like qualities & desperate wickedness. (Jer 17:9).


7:5 And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.

Medo-Persia conquered Babylon (Daniel 5:28). One side higher - the Persian side of the coalition was dominant. cf the two horn of the Ram in Daniel 8:3 where one of the horns was higher.

Three ribs in its mouth - Medo-Persiaʼs three main conquests: Lydia 547BC; Babylon 539BC; Egypt 525BC - see Daniel 8:4 as the Ram conquers westward, Northward and southward so that no beast (kingdom) might stand before it. The three ribs in the bears mouth represent those conquests.


7:6 After this I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it.

Greece, under Alexander the Great, conquered Medo-Persia and extended its empire from Egypt to India in just 3 years! Four wings - Wings, like the leopard, symbolize speed. (Hab 1:6-8). Speed of conquest. cf the he-goat of Daniel 8:5 was moving so fast that its feet did not touch the ground.

The leopard itself can move with great speed but its natural swiftness was inadequate to describe the amazing speed of Alexanders’s conquest. There is no other example in ancient times of such rapid conquest over such vast distances.

Grecia, with leopard like swifness, conquered all before it. Both the leopard and the wings show that this kingdom would move with great speed (cf. Hab 1:8).

“In this short space of 8 years Alexander had annexed an area of little less than 2 million square miles...[consider] The amazing rapidity of his conquests.” The Growth of European Civilization, A.E.R. Boak, p 59-60

Four heads - symbolise the Four Grecian divisions, which followed the death of Alexander the Great. They were founded by his generals:

Lysimachus, Ptolemy, Seleucus and Cassander.


7:7 After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and itwasdiverse from all the beasts thatwerebefore it; and it had ten horns.

Rome conquered the Grecian divisions. Ten Horns - Invading barbarians tribes from northern Europe divided the Empire into ten kingdoms by 476AD. They are represented by the 10 horns on the fourth beast. Those kingdoms which survived make up the nations of Europe today, and are still distinctly politically divided. In their days Christ will return and set up His kingdom. See on Daniel 2:40-44.

The barbarian tribes which became the ten kingdoms of Europe are:

1. Alemanni - Germany 2. Franks - France 3. Burgundians - Swiss 4. Suevi - Portugal 5. Vandals - Extinct 6. Visigoths - Spain 7. Anglo-Saxons - English 8. Ostrogoths - Extinct 9. Lombards - Italy 10. Heruli - Extinct

See Edward Gibbon, "The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire." There were other tribes but the list above are the first ten to become kingdoms in the former territory of the Western Roman Empire.



Biblical Clues - cf Feet of Iron & Clay of Daniel chapter 2


Horns symbolise kingdoms, see Daniel 8:8, 20-22. The Ram has two horns symbolic of the Medes & Persians. The He-Goat has four horns. Alexander's kingdom was divided among his four generals. The little Horn is a kingdom separate from the previous 10 kingdoms (horns). King & kingdom are used interchangeably (see Dan 2:38-39; Dan 7:17, 23). Papal Rome is a kingdom as well as a church. See any Encyclopaedia. Like Christ, the Pope is a king / priest. (Gen 14:18; Heb 7).


It arises among the 10 horns of the fourth beast. It arose among the ten nations into which the fourth beast was divided. It arose in Europe “among” the 10 horns into which the Roman Empire divided (Dan 7:8) - The Papacy arose in Rome Italy among the nations of Europe. It arose “after” (v 24) the 10 horns had arisen. i.e. after A.D.476 - The Papacy came to full power in A.D.538. It grew from the fourth beast, the Roman Empire - The Papacy is commonly known as the ROMAN Catholic Church.

“Whatever elements the barbarians and Arians left...[came] under the protection of the bishop of Rome, who was the chief person there after the empireʼs disappearance. The Roman church in this way privily PUSHED ITSELF into the place of the Ro- man World-Empire, of which it is the actual continuation.” A. Harnack, What is Christianity? p 269-270.

“Out of the ruins of political Rome, AROSE the great moral Empire in the ʻgiant formʼ of the Roman Church. “ A. C. Flick. The Rise of the Mediaeval Church, 1909, p 150.


Papal Rome subdued three of the 10 horns (kingdoms) (verses 8, 20, 24). Of the 10 kingdoms which arose from the Roman Empire the Heruli, Vandals and Ostrogoths adopted the Arian faith and refused to acknowledge the supremacy of the Roman Church. Historians record that at the instigation of the Bishop of Rome (Pope), the Heruli in AD493, the Vandals in AD533, and the Ostrogoths in AD538 were destroyed.

As ten kingdoms have already arisen from the territory of the Roman Empire, and as three of those kingdoms have already been “plucked up,” clearly the Little Horn responsible for the ʻpluckingʼ ALREADY EXISTS!

4. THE LITTLE HORN HAS A "MAN" AT IT'S HEAD WITH MAN'S EYES The papa (father) or Pope, is the head of Papal Rome. He claims to be able to forgive sins against God, which only God can do (See Mark 2:7; Matt 23:9). For mere men to do this is blasphemous (Mark 2:7). Only God can forgive sins committed against Him. The Papacy judges men by the outward appearance according to human understanding. “The eyes of man” judge the outward appearance, (1Sam 16:7) and are selfish.


The little horn speaks "great things", "great words against the most high" - verses 8, 20, 25. The Papacy blasphemes against God by claiming to be able to forgive sins - The Confessional. (cf. 1Tim 2:5). The Bible defines blasphemy as claiming to be God and or claiming to be able to forgive sin (John 10:32-33; Mark 2:7). Every Roman Catholic Confessional is a fulfillment of this aspect of the Little Horn.


  1. MATTHEW 9:2,3 "And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee. And, behold, certain of the scribes said within themselves, This man blasphemeth."

  2. JOHN 10:33 "The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God."

Papal Rome claims to be able to forgive sin, hence THE CONFESSIONAL. This one characteristic is a very strong identifying mark that the little horn is PAPAL ROME. The Pope is also said to be the Vicar of Jesus Christ.

“The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, but he is Jesus Christ Himself, hidden under veil of the flesh.” The Catholic National, July, 1895.

“The pope is crowned with a triple crown as king of heaven, and earth, and purgatory.” Ferraris' Promptta Bibliotheca, Vol. VI, p 26, article "Papa."

“What only God can do by his omnipotence, the priest can also do...Indeed it is not too much to say that in view of the sublimity of their office the priests are so many Gods.” Dignity and Duties of the Priest, Alphonsus De Liguori, p35.

“Does the Priest truly remit [forgive] sins, or does he only declare they are remitted? The priest does really and truly remit the sin in virtue of the power given him by Christ.” Joseph Deharbe, S.J., A Complete Catechism of the Catholic Religion, p275.

"All the names which in the Scriptures are applied to Christ, by virtue of which it is established that he is over the church, all the same names are applied to the pope." Robert Bellarmine, On the Authroity of the Councils, Chap 17 1628 ed., vol 1, p. 266

"We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty" Pope Leo XIII, Encyclical Letter of June 20, 1894

“The Pope is supreme judge of the law of the land...He is the viceregent of Christ, and is not only a priest forever, but is King of kings and Lord of lords.” La Civilta Cattolica, March 18, 1871.

“The Pope is of so great authority and power that he can modify, explain, or interpret even Divine laws...THE POPE CAN MODIFY DIVINE LAW, since his power is not of man, but of God, and he acts in the place of God upon earth.” Lucius Ferraris, “Papa,” art. 2, in Prompta Bibliotheca

"The pope has power to change times, to abrogate [change] laws, and to dispense [do away] with all things, even the precepts of Christ."Decretal, De Translantic Episcop]


The Little horn is diverse (different) from the other horns - verse 24

Papal Rome is a union of Church AND State.


The little Horn arose AFTER the first ten horns had appeared i.e. after the Roman Empire had divided into the nations of Europe - verse 24. Papal Rome rose to power “after” AD476 when the 10th kingdom arose. Papal Rome came to full power in AD538.


Wore out the saints i.e. God's people - verse 25. The Little horn, Papal Rome, persecuted Christians. Papal Rome slew millions throughout the Dark Ages.

"The Catholic church has persecuted. Only a tyro [beginner] in church history will deny that...One hundred and fifty years after Constantine the Donatists were persecuted, and sometimes put to death...Protestants were persecuted in France and Spain with the full approval of the church authorities. We have always defended the persecution of the Hugenots, and the Spanish Inquisition. Wherever and whenever there is honest Catholicity, there will be a clear distinction drawn between truth and error, and Catholicity and all forms of heresy. When she thinks it good to use physical force, she will use it." A Roman Catholic publication, The Western Watchman, of St Louis, Dec. 24, 1908.

“Torture was little used from the 9th to 12th centuries, but with the revival of Roman law the process was re-established in the 12th century...In 1252 [Pope] Innocent IV sanctioned the infliction of torture by the civil authorities upon heretics, and torture came to have a recognized place in the procedures of the inquisitorial courts.” New Catholic Encyclopaedia, art. Torture.

"Making every allowance required by an historian and permitted to a Christian, we must rank the Inquisition, along with the wars and persecutions of our time, as among the darkest blots on the history of mankind, revealing a ferocity unknown in any beast." -- The Story of Civilization, volume 4, page 784.

"For professing faith contrary to the teaching of the church of Rome, history records the matyrdom of more than 100 million people." Brief Bible Readings, p16.

“That the Church of Rome has shed more innocent blood than any other institution that has ever existed among mankind, will be questioned by no Protestant who has a competent knowledge of history.” History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe, reprint, W.E.H. Lecky, 1955, Vol. 2, p40.

“The noon of the papacy was the midnight of the world.” The History of Protestantism, J.A. Wylie, Vol 1, chap 4.

Llorente, the historian of the Inquisition supplies the following record of those burned in Spain alone: “The horrid conduct of this holy office weakened the power and diminished the population of Spain, by arresting the progress of the arts, sciences, industry and commerce, and by compelling multitudes of families to abandon the kingdom; by instigating the expulsion of the Jews and the Moors, and by immolating on its flaming piles more than three hundred thousand victims.” Juan Antonio Llorente [secretary of the Inquisition in Spain], The History of the Spanish Inquisition, p5

Walter M. Montano, a former Catholic priest, asserts in his book, Behind the Purple Curtain, that it has been estimated that fifty million people died during the twelves hundred years of the Dark Ages. See Walter M. Montano, Behind the Purple Curtain, p91

A. Hyatt Verrill, in his book, The Inquisition, relates some of the atrocities instigated by the Church in the Netherlands. He stated thatthe reign of terror in the Netherlands was beyond words to describe. King Philip himself boasted that the Inquisition in his area was “much more pitiless than that in Spain.”

Tens of thousands were tortured or burned during the first two years of Philips tenure as king. But it would not be until the coming of the cruel Duke of Alva in 1567 that cruelties became indescribable. In less than three months after his coming to power, Alva caused eighteen hundred people to be burned alive. On one gala occasion five hundred were burned en masse. At the close of Holy Week in one year eight hundred heretics were slain. In the city of Antwerp eight thousand lives were taken by the Catholic Church at one time. Upon his departure from the Netherlands, Alva boasted that more than eighteen thousand people had died at his order. See Verrill, The Inquisition, p236.


The Little Horn thought to change times...- verse 25 Thought to change the prophetic timetable God has given (cf. Dan 2:21).

Rome invented two counterfeit interpretations of prophecy.

  1. Preterism - placing the 42 month reign of antichrist in or before the first century.

  2. Futurism - Placing the reign of antichrist way in the future. Both attempt to discredit the Historicist method of interpretation (See “Methods of Interpretation.”)


Thought to change the law of God - verse 25. As the context of the verse speaks of the things of God, an attempted change of Godʼs law is meant. Papal Rome openly claims to have changed the Sabbath Day from the seventh day to the first day of the week without any Scriptural authority. The graphic on the right is from the St Joseph's Baltimore Catechism explained by Rev Bennet Kelly, CP.

As these points are given to help identify this power the imagined change cannot refer to a change in merely human laws because all kingdoms change human law and such a change would not help identify this power.

As the horn's "great words” were against God, and as it persecuted God's saints, we may conclude that the law it thought to change was God's Law.

The A:B, A’:B’ arrangement of verse 25 supports this view:

A. And he shall speak [great] words against the most High

B. and shall wear out the saints of the most High

A’ and think to change times and laws

B’ and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

This pattern indicates that the words directed against the Most High pertain to the times & laws of the Most High.

A: In like manner the persecution of the saints of the Most High was to occur during the Papal Rome's 3 1/2 times (1260 year) reign.

“Think to,” Heb. ‘sebar,’ means “to intend, to strive, to endeavour.” A deliberate, wilful attempt is indicated. In consciously tampering with the Divine Law this power “opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God” 2 Thess 2:4.

That it thinks to change "times" strongly suggests that the part of God's Law it thought to change was the seventh day Sabbath, the only commandment directly concerning time.

Papal Roman authorities claim regarding the change of the Sabbath from the 7th day, Saturday to Sunday:

“We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday.” The Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine (1957 ed.), P. Geiermann, p50.

Note: This work received the "apostolic blessing" of Pope Pius X, Jan. 25, 1910.

“How, we ask, have you [Protestants] managed to receive her [the Catholic Church's] teaching all your life, in direct opposition to your recognized teacher, the Bible, on the Sabbath question?” The Christian Sabbath, pamphlet, (2nd ed.; Baltimore).

“The Catholic virtue of her divine mission, changed the day from Saturday to Sunday.” The Catholic Mirror, Sept. 23, 1893.

"Q. Have you any other way of proving that the Church [Catholic] has power to institute festivals of precept?

A. Had she not such power, she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her;- she could not have substituted the observance of Sunday the first day of the week, for the observance of Saturday the seventh day, a change for which there is no Scriptural authority." A Doctrinal Catechism, (3rd US ed.) S. Keenan, p 174.

“Now every child in school knows that the Sabbath day is Saturday, the seventh day of the week; yet with the exception of the Seventh-day Adventists, all Protestant denominations keep Sunday instead of the seventh day because the Catholic Church made this change in the first stages of Christianity.” Winnipeg Free Press, April 21, 1884, Father Gerritsma

“Sunday is a Catholic institution, and its claims to observance can be defended only on Catholic principles...” The Catholic Press, Sydney, Australia, August 25, 1900.

“Of course the Catholic Church claims that the change [of the Sabbath to Sunday] was her act...AND THE ACT IS A MARK of her ecclesiastical power and authority in religious matters.” H.F. Thomas, Chancellor of Cardinal Gibbons, Nov. 11, 1895.

“Sunday is our MARK of authority...The church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of the fact.”

Catholic Record of London, Ontario, Canada, Sept. 1, 1923.

This action of Papal Rome was recognized about 450 years ago by Melacthon, the Protestant Reformer and colleague of Martin Luther when he wrote:

“He changeth the tymes and the lawes,...or when they changed ye Saterday into Sondaye...They have changed God's lawes and turned them into their own tradicions to be kept above God's precepts.” Exposicion of Daniel the Prophete, 1545, Melancthon p119.

The change in the fourth commandment concerning the Sabbath exactly fulfils the prophecy.


The Little Horn reigned for a time, times and the dividing of time (3 1/2 times) - verse 25.

  • 3 1/2 times = 1260 days (Rev 12:6, 14).

  • Each day symbolizes a year (Eze 4:6; Num 14:34)

  • Thus decoded 3 1/2 times = 1260 years.

  • Papal Rome came to full power in AD538

  • Papal Rome was abolished by the French exactly 1260 years later in 1798. This deadly wound is healing (cf. Rev 13).

  • Sometime after the papacy had risen

  • The thrones were cast down [Heb. ‘rem-aw,’ also means “placed,”

  • The Septuagint has tithemi, to set up,” or “to place.”

  • In preparation for the judgment the “thrones were placed.” R.S.V.

  • The Aramaic reads “an Ancient of Days,” or “one ancient in days.”

  • Thus is represented God the Father.

  • The Son is represented as coming before Him in v13.

  • The Father's garment was white as snow [Purity].

  • John 1:18 “ No man hath seen God at any time...”

  • Daniel saw only a representation of the Father.

  • “God is a spirit; yet He is a personal being,...” (8T 263)

  • To speculate on His actual appearance is forbidden (See 8T 279)

  • God’s throne is moveable. See Ezekiel 1.


Note that Daniel saw the little horn rise and watched on “TILL” the judgment began. Clearly the judgment began after the rise of the little horn, the Papal Power, and when it is over Christ will destroy the beast.

In this Judgment the lives of all who have at some time professed allegiance to Christ will be examined out of he “books.” This will include those who are part of the Little horn power. This investigation is not for the sake of God but for the thousands of thousands who minister unto Him. God intends that His created beings see His mercy and His justice. This judgment will determine who is to be part of Christ's kingdom, which will be established at His second coming. Everyone’s rewards will be determined BEFORE Christ returns (Rev 22:11-12) at which time He will reward everyone according to their works. The concept of a pre-advent judgement is also found in Matt 13:47-50; 22:1-14; 2 Cor 5:10.


We do not know what heavens “books” look like but they are open to the inspection of angels. The Bible describes three books:

THE BOOK OF LIFE - Rev 13:8; Rev 20:15; Phil 4:3. Contains the register of all who have at some time accepted Christ (Luke 10:20).

THE BOOK O REMEMBRANCE - Mal 3:16; Ps 56:8 Contains the record of the good deeds of the saints.

THE BOOK OF INIQUITIES - Isa 65:6-7; Jer 2:22; Isa 30:8-9. Contain the record of everyone’s sins.


1. The INVESTIGATIVE Judgment - Determines who is to be part of Christ’s kingdom.

2. The MILLENNIAL Judgment - The books will be opened a second time for the redeemed to see God's justice during the Millenium. 1 Cor 6:2; Rev 20:4.

3. The GREAT WHITE THRONE Judgment - For a third time the books will be opened and even the wicked will acknowledge God's justice. Rev 15:4; Rom 14:11; Rev 20:11, 12; EW 52; GC 666.

After these events will come the EXECUTIVE Judgment when the sentence upon the wicked will be executed - carried out.


The whole of the Book of Daniel has to do with Judgment or a type thereof.

Daniel 1 is a type of Judgment - King judges Daniel & his companions.

Daniel 2 implies judgment before the stone destroys all earthly kingdoms.

Daniel 3 - judgment is executed on the three faithful worthies.

Daniel 4 - judgment falls on King Nebuchadnezzar.

Daniel 5 - judgment executed on Babylon. It falls to the Medo-Persians.

Daniel 6 - judgment falls on Daniel & he is thrown into the lions den.

Daniel 7 describes the Judgment scene.

Daniel 8:14 locates the beginning of the judgment.

Daniel 9 identifies the starting point for the 2300 days to the Judgment

Daniel 10-11 - the King of the North comes to his end.

Daniel 12 sees the end of the Judgment when Michael stands up.

This verse describes the end of the Little horn system. Paul described the same power as the “man of sin,,” “son of perdition,” “that Wicked,” and speaks of its destruction at the Second Coming of Christ (2Thess 2:3-8; cf. Rev 19:19-21)].

The Bible uses a “season” to represent a period of unspecified length. e.g. “...the pleasures of sin for a season;” Heb 11:25

"and time" - When the first three kingdoms were conquered they lost their dominions but the peoples were absorbed and LIVED ON as part of the conquerors kingdom. It will not be so with the fourth beast. At Christ's return the whole world will be depopulated as the saints are taken to heaven and the wicked are slain.

Son of man is Christ.

The Atramaic kebar enash, means literally “like a son of man.”

The LXX has 'hos huios anthropou' “like a son of man.”

Many revised translations RV; RSV follow this literal rendering. Some feel this detracts from the majesty of our Redeemer and sounds indefinite in tone. However the corresponding phrase in the Aramaic is full of meaning. Like other ancient languages, the Aramaic omits the article when the emphasis is on quality, and uses it when the stress is on the identity. Typically in prophetic narrative the prophet introdues what they saw then later give attention to identity.

Prophetic items are usually introduced without the article. When subsequently referred to the article is used. e.g.

  • “Four great beasts” (v3) not “THE four great beasts”

  • but later “all the beasts” (v 7)

  • “One ancient in days” (v 9) later “THE ancient of days.” (v13, 22).

  • “A ram,” later “THE ram.”

  • “two horns,” later “THE two horns.”

  • “an he goat,” “THE he goat.” (ch. 8:3-8).

In harmony with this precedent Christ is here introduced as “a son of man,” and though He is not again by this expression in the prophecy, if He were the definite article “THE Son of man” would doubtless appear.

In the N.T. the expression “THE Son of man” appears almost invariably with the article.

Inspiration saw fit to reveal Christ in the judgment scene as one like us emphasising His familiarity with the weakness of our humanity. In His incarnation He became one of us (Phil 2:7; Heb 2:14 etc.) so uniting divinity with humanity by ties which never can be broken (Desire of Ages p. 25). We have an Advocate before the Father who was in all points tempted like we are and who is touched with the feelings of our infirmity. (Heb 4:15) Comforting thought!

'came with the clouds of heaven' - Christ was transported to the judgment. The clouds of heaven are the angels

and came to the Ancient of days [the Father],

and they [the clouds (angels) brought him near before him. This cannot represent the Second Coming because Christ is brought before the Father who is IN HEAVEN (Matt 6:9). This describes the coming of Christ into the Most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary for the judgment.


In 31AD. Christ was TAKEN to heaven by clouds of angels, there to be our High Priest and begin His ministry in the Holy place of the sanctuary (Acts 1:9-11; Heb 8:2).

Here, clouds of angels literally MOVED Christ from the Holy Place into the Most Holy Place of the heavenly sanctuary to begin the Investigative Judgment.

At the end of His ministry, clouds of angels will literally RETURN Christ to Earth to receive His saints (Rev 1:7; Acts 1:9-11; Early Writings p. 54, 55).

In Luke 19:12-15 Christ is represented as a nobleman who took a journey into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, BEFORE returning. At the close of His priestly ministry in the heavenly sanctuary while STILL IN HEAVEN, Christ receives His kingdom from his Father BEFORE returning to earth for His saints.. (See GC 428; EW 55, 280)

In the Judgment is decided who are to be part of Christ's Kingdom. When this is finished Christ will return to earth to receive them unto Himself (John 14:1-3).


For “kings” the Vulgate, LXX, & Theodotian read, “kingdoms.” cf. v 23, which shall arise out of the earth [Note: The word “shall” in the KJV version of Daniel 7:17 should not have been added. It is not in the Hebrew, and it gives the impression that all four kingdoms would rise after Daniel's time. However, the lion, which represented Babylon had already arisen when Daniel received this vision. Here the N.K.J.V reads more correctly, “...are four kings which arise out of the earth.”

  • The fourth beast is the fourth kingdom - v 23

  • The fourth beast is Rome - identified in Daniel 8

  • Hence the fourth kingdom of Daniel 2 is Rome

  • The ten horns - the nations of Europe

  • "and of the other which came up", the little horn - Papal Rome

  • The three horns plucked up - the Heruli, Vandals & Ostrogoths

  • "Eyes of a man" - a seer, man judges by the outward appearance.

  • A mouth - The popes Papal Bulls

  • Spake great things - to Blaspheme cf Rev 13:5,6

"Besides the emperors at Constantinople and the various German kings, there grew up in Europe a line of rulers far more powerful than any of these, ...the Popes...the longest and mightiest line of rulers that the world has ever seen." Mediaeval & Modern Times, Robinson, p40, 41.

“Long ages ago, when Rome through the neglect of Western emperors was left to the mercy of the barbarous hordes, the Roman turned to one figure for aid and protection, and asked him to rule them;... And meekly stepping to the throne of Caesar, the vicar of Christ took up the sceptre to which the emperors and kings of Europe were to bow in reverence through many ages. American Catholic Quarterly Review, April, 1911.

Papal Rome killed Christians. See note on v 25. The Papacy sometimes denies ever having perseuted anyone, claiming that the secular authorities alone killed & tortured heretics.

“And we do leave thee to the secular arm, and to the power of the secular court; but at the same time do most earnestly beseech that the court so moderate its sentence as not to touch thy blood, nor to put thy life in any sort of danger.” Gedde’s Tracts on Popery; View of the Court of Inquisition in Portugal, p446; Limborch, Vol. II, p289.

And then as intended the poor victims of popish hate were executed. After all, the secular authority was in those days simply a tool in the hands of the corrupt church.

“As the church has ecclesiastical and secular princes, who are her two arms, so she has two swords, the spritual and material; and therefore when her right hand is unable to convert a heretic, with the sword of the Spirit, she invokes the aid of the left hand, and coerces heretics with the material sword.” Cardinal Bellarmine in, Dowling’s History of Romanism, p547-548

This has two meanings:

(1) Judgment was given in favour of the saints.

(2) All the saints are given a work of judgment to perform.

During the Millennium all the saints will judged the wicked who lay dead (Rev 20:4; 1 Cor 6:2-3; Ps 149:8-9). God desires all His people to know why the wicked missed out on eternal life. See on Rev 20

"...and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom". This verse proves that there will be no millennium of global peace before Christ’s Second Coming. The little horn wars with God’s saints until the time the saints began the judgment of the wicked which begins at the end of the world. Christ’s return preceedes the Millennium. See Rev 19 and 20 which are a contiuous narrative describing Christ’s return (Rev 19) prior to the Millennium (Rev 20)



(a) The wicked little horn power will exist until the kingdom of Christ is set up and Christ’s kingdom is set up when He returns.

(b) 2Thess.2:1-7 states what would take place before the second coming of Christ. It is not the triumph of the world's conversion but the great apostasy or “falling away,” and the manifestation of the papacy, the man of sin who will continue until Christ’s coming: “...that wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.” 2Thess 2:8

(c) There is no room for a millennium of global peace prior to Christ’s return. The wheat and tares exist together until the END of the Christian age. See Matt.13:24-30

(d) Persecutors must exist until Christ’s Second Coming, for “...ALL that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” 2 Tim.3:12

(e) Wickedness will exist until Christ’s return: “And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. ... Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; ...Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.” Luke 17:26-30.

The last days before Christ’s Coming will be perilous times full of wickedness (See 2 Tim.3:1-5; 2Pet.3:3,4) which would not be the case if a millennium of peace preceded Christ’s return.

The doctrine of the world's conversion and a temporal millennium is a fable of these last days which will lull many into a state of carnal security, and cause them to be overtaken by the great day of the Lord as by a thief in the night (1Thess. 5:3).

First mention of Kingdoms is in Daniel 2

The fourth beast is said to be the fourth kingdom

Hence, the first 3 beasts are the first 3 KINGDOMS of the Daniel 2 image. Note that 'king' & 'kingdom' are used interchangeably in Daniel 7:17, 23

Pagan Rome devoured the then whole world.

Papal Rome will also devour the whole world in our time. cf Rev 13:1-10

Kings = Kingdoms. As noted, Daniel uses 'king' & 'kingdom' interchangeably. cf. v 17 & v 23. In Dan 8:8, 21-22, four horns are said to be four “kingdoms.”

After the Roman emperor Constantine moved the capital from Rome in the West to Constantinople in the East waves of barbarian tribes poured into the Western Roman Empire. These tribes, some large and others small, were the founders of the nations of modern Europe.

1. Alemani


​2. Franks


3. Burgundians


4. Suevi


5. Vandals


6. Visigoths


7. Anglo-Saxons


8. Ostrogoths


9. Lombards


10. Heruli



Papal Rome came to prominence in the 6th century after the first ten kingdoms of Europe had arisen. i.e. after 476 A.D. Rome subdued or plucked up three kingdoms:


In 527A.D. Justinian became emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire. He was deeply committed to religious affairs but the citizens were not united with him. Justinian ruled over three Christian persuasions:

1. Arians (Christ “...not truly divine but a created being.” Enc’ Brit’, Vol 1, 1998, p549),

2. Monophysites (Christ “only one divine nature.” Enc’ Brit’, Vol. 8, 1998, p264)

3. Catholics (Christ human & divine).

Justinian sided so strongly with the Catholics that in 533A.D. he declared the pope “"head of all the holy churches” “ “head of all the holy priests of God” and “corrector of heretics" (Code of Justinian, Book 1, title 1), Although legally recognized this could not go into effect until the power of Arian Ostrogoths was broken. Justinian therefore spent his long reign attempting to convert or eliminate anyone who did not regard the pope as head

In the 530s Justinian launched a holy war against the Arian Vandals and Arian Ostrogoths. He found legal precept for doing this of course, but Procopius, the historian-reporter who went on the campaign, reveals in his History of Wars, 3.10.19, that Justinians real purpose was to “protect the Christians,” that is, to protect Catholics from Arians.

“The Vandals were Arian Christians, and their persecutions of the Roman Catholic church in Africa were at times fierce...” Enc’ Britannica, Vol 12, 1998, p262

Justinian commissioned his finest general, Belisarius, to sail with an army to the Vandal’s capital Carthage, in northern Africa and after the crucial battle of Tricamarum the Vandals, in 534A.D. “disappeared like a mist” C. W. Previté-Orton, Shorter Cambridge Medieval History, 4th edition, University Press 1953, Volume 1, p. 189).

“in one campaign season the Vandal kingdom was destroyed. Rome again ruled the area and restored the churches to the Roman Catholics. The Vandals played no further role in history,” Enc’ Britannica, Vol. 12, 1998, p262.

...the Vandals disappeared from history.” Enc’ Britannica, 1963 edition, Vol. 22, p. 973.

Thus the Catholic emperor Justinian had the second “horn” “plucked up.”


Finally the Arian Ostrogoth, Theodoric, crossed swords with Rome by persecuting Romanists in his dominions.

...the chief men of Rome [papists] were suspected at this time of carrying on a treasonable correspondence with the court of Constantinople [home of emperor Justinian], and machinating the ruin of the Gothic empire in Italy.” Bower’s History of the Popes, Vol. 1, p325.

Having defeated the Vandals Belisarius turned north against the Arian Ostrogoths in Italy. He took Palermo on the island of Sicily and in 536A.D. marched into Rome virtually unopposed with just 5000 men. The Ostrogoths counterattacked with 150,000 surrounding Rome, says Procopius, The Loeb Classical Library, book 5, chap. 16, p163. 5.16.11.

To human sight the Ostrogoths, with a thirty-to-one superiority, looked certain to be victorius but God had foreseen the tragic tactical error the Ostrogoths were to make.

The Goths foolishly cut the aquaducts leading into Rome hoping to force Belisarius to surrender through lack of water.However the torrents of water made a guagmire that bred malarial mosquitoes and caused an epidemic. The huge Ostrogoth army was so grievously reduced by the disease that in 538A.D., after a second Roman army landed in Italy, they were driven from Rome.

Skirmishes and battles followed for some years until the Catholic general Narses annihilated all but a couple of thousand Ostrogoths and the Ostrogoths, like the Heruli & Vandals, disappeared from history,

“...the Ostrogoths thereafter had no national existence.” Enc’ Britannica, Vol. 8, 1998, p1038.

And the crucial military event that “plucked up the Ostrogoths and led to their annihilation was the calamitous defeat in 538 A.D., which, says Hodgkin,“dug the grave of the Gothic monarchy in Italy.” See Italy and Her Invaders, Hodgkin, Vol 3. p180-213; Vol. 5, p3-66; Vol. 4, p 73-113, 210-252.

Thus in 538A.D. the prophecy was fulfilled, “three of the first horns were plucked up by the roots,” allowing the papacy to grow great and begin its long period of supremacy.


The events centring about the siege of Rome in (537-538) were a turning point in church and state as is evidenced by such statements as:

“With the conquest of Rome by Belisarius, the history of the ancient city may be considered as terminating: and with his defense against Witiges (538) commences the history of the Middle Ages - of the times of destruction and of change.” Finlay, Greece under the Romans, p240.

From this time the Popes were more and more men of State.

“Vigilus (537-555A.D.) is the first in a series of popes, who no longer bears the title [saint], which is henceforth sparingly conferred. From this time on the popes, more and more involved in worldly events, no longer belong solely to the church; they are men of state, and then rulers of the state.” Charles Bemont & G. Monod, Medieval Europe From 395-1270, p120-121.


The church historian Dr Summerbell says,

“[The Roman Emperor] Justinian...enriched himself with the property of all ‘heretics’ - that is, non-Catholics; published edicts in 538 AD compelling all to join the Catholic church in 90 days of leave the empire and confiscated all their goods.”

Dr. N Summerbell, History of the Early Christian Church, p310-311

“In his zeal to unite all men into one all Christian doctrine, he [the Roman emperor Justinian] recklessly killed all who dissented, and this too he did in the name of piety. For he did not call it homicide, when those who perished happened to be of a belief different from his own...Agents were sent everywhere to force whomever they chanced upon to renounce the faith of their fathers...thus many perished at the hands of the persecuting faction...but most of trhem by far quitted the land of their fathers, and fled the country...thenceforth the whole Roman Empire was a scene of massacre and flight.” Procopius, The Secret History of the Court of Justinian, p121-122; 138-139

As the ten kingdoms of Europe have arisen and three of the ten kingdoms have ALREADY been plucked up, it is clear that the Little Horn is already here and is not future as Futurism claims.


The fact that a fourth kingdom, the Gepids, was totally destroyed in 567A.D. AFTER the papal supremacy was established is immaterial. The prophecy specified three kingdoms being uprooted BEFORE the papal supremacy was established and so they were.

At times the papacy was restrained by the ambitions of emperors, and some went as far as deposing certain popes and replacing them with men of their own choosing. For example the German Emperor Otto III in 996 entered Rome and, after putting down a faction of Roman nobles, he forced the election of his own cousin Bruno as Gregory V. However throughout all this the papal power continued and was not abolished until 1798.

Uprooting something may cause immediate death or lead to eventual death some time later. The plucking up is not necessarily the moment of death. The Ostrogoths lingered on after being plucked but eventually ceased to exist. The crucial military event that “plucked up the Ostrogoths and led to their annihilation was the calamitous defeat in 538 A.D. which, says the historian Hodgkin, “dug the grave of the Gothic monarchy in Italy." See Italy and Her Invaders, Hodgkin, Vol. 4, p 250.

Others did much of the work of establishing the papal supremacy and this is as prophecy foretold:

“And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily [sacrifice], and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.” (Dan 11:31)

“And an host was given [him] against the daily [sacrifice] by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practised, and prospered.” (Dan 8:12). i.e.

538 AD marks the beginning of the supremacy of the papacy.

These points have been dealt with earlier.


Speak great words or blasphemies. As seen earlier the Bible defines blasphemy as claiming to be God and or claiming to be able to forgive sin (John 10:32-33; Mark 2:7).

Every Roman Catholic Confessional is a fulfillment of this aspect of the Little Horn and is a very important identifying mark of the said horn.

“The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, but he is Jesus Christ Himself, hidden under veil of the flesh.” The Catholic National, July, 1895.

“The pope is crowned with a triple crown as king of heaven, and earth, and purgatory.” Ferraris' Promptta Bibliotheca, Vol. VI, p 26, article "Papa."

“What only God can do by his omnipotence, the priest can also do...Indeed it is not too much to say that in view of the sublimity of their office the priests are so many Gods.” Dignity and Duties of the Priest, Alphonsus De Liguori, p35.

“Does the Priest truly remit [forgive] sins, or does he only declare they are remitted? The priest does really and truly remit the sin in virtue of the power given him by Christ.” Joseph Deharbe, S.J., A Complete Catechism of the Catholic Religion, p 275.


"The Catholic church has persecuted. Only a tyro [beginner] in church history will deny that...One hundred and fifty years after Constantine the Donatists were persecuted, and sometimes put to death...Protestants were persecuted in France and Spain with the full approval of the church authorities. We have always defended the persecution of the Hugenots, and the Spanish Inquisition. Wherever and whenever there is honest Catholicity, there will be a clear distinction drawn between truth and error, and Catholicity and all forms of heresy. When she thinks it good to use physical force, she will use it." A Roman Catholic publication, The Western Watchman, of St Louis, Dec. 24, 1908.

“Torture was little used from the 9th to 12th centuries, but with the revival of Roman law the process was re-established in the 12th century...In 1252 [Pope] Innocent IV sanctioned the infliction of torture by the civil authorities upon heretics, and torture came to have a recognized place in the procedures of the inquisitorial courts.” New Catholic Encyclopaedia, art. Torture.

The historian Will Durant observed:

"Compared with the persecution of heresy in Europe from 1227 to 1492, the persecution of Christians by Romans in the first three centuries after Christ was a mild inhumane procedure.

"Making every allowance required by an historian and permitted to a Christian, we must rank the Inquisition, along with the wars and persecutions of our time, as among the darkest blots on the history of mankind, revealing a ferocity unknown in any beast." -- The Story of Civilization, volume 4, page 784.

"For professing faith contrary to the teaching of the church of Rome, history records the matyrdom of more than 100 million people." Brief Bible Readings, p16.

“That the Church of Rome has shed more innocent blood than any other institution that has ever existed among mankind, will be questioned by no Protestant who has a competent knowledge of history.” History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe, reprint, W.E.H. Lecky, 1955, Vol. 2, p40.

Llorente, the historian of the Inquisition supplies the following record of those burned in Spain alone:

“The horrid conduct of this holy office weakened the power and diminished the population of Spain, by arresting the progress of the arts, sciences, industry and commerce, and by compelling multitudes of families to abandon the kingdom; by instigating the expulsion of the Jews and the Moors, and by immolating on its flaming piles more than three hundred thousand victims.” Juan Antonio Llorente [secretary of the Inquisition in Spain], The History of the Spanish Inquisition, p5

Walter M. Montano, a former Catholic priest, asserts in his book, Behind the Purple Curtain, that it has been estimated that fifty million people died during the twelves hundred years of the Dark Ages. See Walter M. Montano, Behind the Purple Curtain, p91

A. Hyatt Verrill, in his book, The Inquisition, relates some of the atrocities instigated by the Church in the Netherlands. He stated that the reign of terror in the Netherlands was beyond words to describe. King Philip himself boasted that the Inquisition in his area was “much more pitiless than that in Spain.” Tens of thousands were tortured or burned during the first two years of Philips tenure as king. But it would not be until the coming of the cruel Duke of Alva in 1567 that cruelties became indescribable. In less than three months after his coming to power, Alva caused eighteen hundred people to be burned alive. on one gala occasion five hundred were burned en masse. At the close of Holy Week in one year eight hundred heretics were slain. In the city of Antwerp eight thousnad lives were taken by the Catholic Church at one time. Upon his departure fromn the Netherlands, Alva boasted that more than eighteen thousand people had died at his order. See Verrill, The Inquisition, p236.


"a time" [Aramaic, Iddan]

"and times" Without evidence to the contrary we might rightly understand this are two times because two is the simplest plural. An understanding of the Aramaic here confirs that two is intended:

In some languages, including Aramaic, there is not only the singular (one) and the plural (many) but also the dual (two). “Times” here is from the dual of the Aramaic Iddan and should thus be more correctly “two times.”]

"and the dividing of time" - a half being the simplest division. The total is thus 3 1/2 times.


“a time, two times, and half a time.” R.S.V.

The majority of ancient and modern interpreters say that the Aramaic word “Iddan,” (“time”) means years. It is undoubtedly used this way in Daniel 4:16, 23, 25, 32. The Greek version of the Scriptures, the Septuagint, translates the "seven times" of Daniel 4:16 as “seven years,” thus 3 1/2 times = 3 1/2 years.

Comparing Rev 12:14 & Rev 12: 6 shows that 3 1/2 times = 1260 days and 1260 days = 42 months (cf. Rev 11:2, 3; 13:5).

Thus the 3 1/2 ‘years’ are not literal years but ‘years’ of only 360 days each (3 1/2 x 360 = 1260). We might thus call them prophetic years.

A prophetic year is of course made up of prophetic days and a prophetic day stands for a literal year (Eze 4:6; Num 14:34).

Thus 3 1/2 times = 1260 days = 1260 years.

This period is mentioned 7 times

  1. Daniel 7:25

  2. Daniel 12:7

  3. Revelation 13:5

  4. Revelation 11:2

  5. Revelation 11:3

  6. Revelation 12:6

  7. Revelation 12:14.


  • This period of 3 1/2 years is seen in other places:

  • Christ’s ministry lasted 3 1/2 years and ended with His death.

  • Elijah's drought lasted 3 1/2 year & then the death of Baal's prophets.

  • The Apostles' ministry to the Jews lasted 3 1/2 years

  • Apostles' ministry from the death of Christ to the death of Stephen

  • The gospel went to the Gentiles after the death of Stephen.

  • The ‘ministry‘ of the beast lasted 3 1/2 years & ends with it’s wounding

Based on the pattern we see we ought to expect that the little horn’s 3 1/2 years ‘ministry’ ends with it’s death and indeed it did...

The 3 1/2 times or 1260 years began in 538AD (See notes on v 24).

“In the 6th century the papacy had become firmly established. Its seat of power was fixed in the imperial city, [Rome] and the bishop of Rome [pope] was declared to be the head over the entire church. PAGANISM had given place to the PAPACY. The dragon had given to the beast “his power, and his seat, and great authority.” Rev 13:2. And now began the 1260 years of papal oppression foretold in the prophecies of Dan 7:25; Rev 13:5-7.” Great Controversy p. 54.

From 538AD the 1260 years of Papal supremacy reached to 1798.

538 + 1260 years = 1798.


“The ULTIMATE HUMILIATION of the Church came when Pius VI was driven from Rome by the French armies in 1798.” Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1989, Vol. 26, p938.

“In 1798 he [Berthier]...made his entrance into Rome, ABOLOSHED the PAPAL GOVERNMENT and established a secular one.” The Encyclopedia Americana, 1941 ed.

"Berthier advanced to the city by forced marches; summoned the castle of St. Angelo, allowing only four hours for its evacuation by the papal troops; the convicts were set at liberty; the gates of the city secured by the French; the pope, all the cardinals except three, and the whole people of Rome, made prisoners at discretion. . . . Shortly afterwards, Berthier made his triumphal entry into Rome; and a tree of liberty being planted on the capitol, . . . a proclamation was issued, declaring . . . a free and independent republic, under the special protection of the French army. A provisional government was acknowledged, as established by the sovereign people; and every other temporal authority emanating from the pope was suppressed, nor was he any longer to excercise any function." John Adolphus, The History of France, Vol. 2 (London: George Kearsley, 1803), pp. 364, 365.

"The object of the French directory was the destruction of the pontifical government, as the irreconcilable enemy of the republic. . . . The aged pope [Pius VI] was summoned to surrender the temporal government; on his refusal, he was dragged from the altar. . . . His rings were torn from his fingers, and finally, after declaring the temporal power ABOLISHED, the victors carried the pope prisoner into Tuscany, whence he never returned." George Trevor, Rome: From the Fall of the Western Empire (London: The Religious Tract Society, 1868), pp. 439, 440.

"When, in 1797, Pope Pius VI fell grievously ill, Napoleon gave orders that in the event of his death no successor should be elected to his office, and that the Papacy should be discontinued. But the Pope recovered; the peace was soon broken; Berthier entered Rome on 10th February 1798, and proclaimed a Republic. The aged Pontiff refused to violate his oath by recognizing it, and was hurried from prison to prison into France. Broken with fatigue and sorrows, he died . . . [in] August 1799, in the French fortress of Valence, aged 82 years. No wonder that half Europe thought Napoleon's veto would be obeyed, and that with the Pope THE PAPACY WAS DEAD."

Joseph Rickaby, "The Modern Papacy," in Lectures on the History of Religions, Vol. 3, [lecture 24, p. 1] (London: Catholic Truth Society, 1910).

“The papacy was EXTINCT: not a vestige of its existence remained; and among all the Roman Catholic powers not a finger was stirred in its defence. The eternal city had no longer prince or pontiff; its bishop was dying a captive in foreign lands; and the decree was announced that no successor would be allowed in his place.” Rome: From the Fall of the Western Empire, George Trevor, p440.


The decree of Justinian, issued in 533AD, recognized the pope as “head of all the holy churches.”

(Justinian’s Code, Book 1, title 1. Baronius Annals, A.D.533).

The overwhelming defeat of the Ostrogoths in the seige of Rome, five years later, 538A.D. was a death blow to the independance of the Arian power then ruling Italy, and was therefore a notable date in the development of the papal supremacy. With the period 533-538A.D. then commences the twelve hundred and sixty years of this prophecy which would extend to the period 1793-1798. The year 1793 was the year of the Reign of Terror in the French Revolution, and the year when the Roman Catholic religion was set aside in France and the worship of Reason established in its stead. As a direct result of the revolt against papal authority in the French Revolution, the French army, under Berthier, entered Rome, and the pope was taken prisoner Feb 10, 1798, dying in exile at Valence, France, the following year. This period 1793-1798A.D. during which this death stroke was inflicted upon the Papacy, fittingly and clearly marks the close of the long prophetic period mentioned in this prophecy.

These two five year periods occurring before the establishment of papal power and before its wounding give additional support to the years 538 and 1798.

A.D.533-538 - A.D.1793-1798.

In 1689 Drue Cressener (1638-1718) wrote the following incredible prediction about 100 years before its fulfillment:

“The first appearance of the beast was at Justinian’s recovery of the Western Empire, from which time to about the year 1800 will be about 1260 years...For if the first time of the beast was at Justinians recovery of the city of Rome, then must not it end till a little before the year 1800.”

Drue Cressener, The Judgment of God Upon the Roman Catholick Church, p309, 312]

The Pre-advent Judgment shall preside. The Little Horn's dominion shall be taken away, consumed and destroyed. Rome in its entirety (pagan & Papal) will come to its end.

The saints of God will inherit the world.

The Little Horn of Daniel 7 is the Papal Rome portion of the Little Horn symbol in Daniel 8 where in Daniel 8, the little horn is a symbol of both PAGAN ROME and PAPAL ROME.


The Little horn is another horn, another kingdom - horns = kingdoms cf Ram's 2 horns and the ten horns of the fourth kingdom are said to be ten kings but Kings are equivalent to kingdoms as well in Daniel 7:17, 23.

Papal Rome arose off the fourth beast, Pagan Rome.

Like Pagan Rome it persecutes God's saints, Bible believing Christians.

Papal Rome blasphemes against God in claiming to be God on earth and being able to forgive sin. Matthew 9:3, John 10:33

Papal Rome, the little horn, was much more stout or powerful than the other ten horns.

Papal Rome had three of the ten horns destroyed - uprooted. To uproot a plant is to kill it. The Heruli, Vandals and Ostrogoths have no equivalent today. They have ceased to exist.

Papal Rome dominated Europe and persecuted the saints for 1260 years until it received its deadly wound in 1798.

No-one is being persecuted today but that sort of Despotism is about to be resurrected. See Revelation 13 study.

In Daniel 2, the Iron legs (Pagan Rome of the Caesars) transitions to the feet of iron ( Rome) & Clay (Religion) - Papal Rome, A UNION OF CHURCH & STATE.

In Daniel 2 the legs of Iron (Pagan Rome) transitions to the legs of Iron & Clay (Papal Rome)

In Daniel 7, the 4th beast (Rome) transitions to the Little horn - Papal Rome.

In Daniel 8, the Little Horn is a symbol of both Pagan Rome and Papal Rome.

In Daniel 11, the King of the North is a symbol of both Pagan Rome and Papal Rome.



May God bless you as you study into these things for the time is at hand.


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